What's New?

*** Now this home page is open at the new URL of http://ribf.riken.jp/~natural-e/default.htmlnatural-e-english/what-is-new.html***

Added on 18 Dec. 2001

Ending autumn, 9-14 Dec. 2001 (36 images)

Added on 9 Dec. 2001

Trees in Vienna -photographs taken on the beginning of Sep. 2001. (93 images)

Addeed on 7 Dec. 2001

An Autumn Evening 24 Nov. 2001 (8 images)

Autumn in Wako Wood Park -red leaves and yellow leaves 25 Nov. 2001 (8 images)

Added on 25 Nov. 2001

Long lasting clear sky 19-22 Nov. 2001 (60 images)

Added on 20 Nov. 2001

Unknown autumnal scenes 13-14 Nov. 2001 (22 images)

Added on 17 Nov. 2001

Sunday with clear sky 11 Nov. 2001(37 images)

A proposal on the destination of trees to be moved from Plasma experimental building.

Added on 12 Nov. 2001

A CD-R filled with contents of this homepage at the end Oct. 2001 is now released!
Obtainable at the price of 500 Yen per disc. Contact
Nature Friend Club of RIKEN via e-mail.

Further excess "development" in the south area of RIKEN Wako campus Small forest should be preserved as is! 07 Nov. 2001

Autumn scenes at various spots 25 Oct. to 8 Nov. 2001 (28 images)

Red leaves in rain 9 Nov. 2001 (18 images)

Added on 24 Oct. 2001

Joy of autumnal sky 23-24 Oct. 2001 (8 images)

Added on 22 Oct. 2001

Enjoying red and yellow leaves 16 to 22 Oct. 2001 (15 images)

Added on 9 Oct. 2001

Advance in autumn 2-5 Oct. 2001 (24 images)

Added on 30 Sep. 2001

3 images are added to the page of President Shun-ichi Kobayashi 27 Sep.

Feeling autumnal air 28 Sep. 2001 (12 images)

Added on 25 Sep. 2001

Fruits of Autumn 24 Sep. (11 images)

Added on 16 Sep. 2001

Vicinity from summer to autumn 16 Sep. 2001

Added on 30 Aug.2001

Additional tree watch at the end of summer 29 Aug. 2001 (61 images)

Added on 28 Aug. 2001

In Nagoya and RIKEN 29 July 2001 (18 images)

Summer after a typhoon passed. 23 Aug. 2001 (27 images)

Extended watch in summer25 Aug. 2001 (13 images)

Added on 13 Aug. 2001

President Kobayashi introduced our home page at the internatinal summer party of RIKEN. (From ICO News No. 137)

Added on 10 Aug. 2001

Various birds By Ms. Wakako Takeda (9 images)

A visit to the green house of Shinjuku-Gyoen.5 Aug. 2001 (86 images)

Added on 21 July 2001

15 July 2001, American cotton rose etc. (17 images)

A poster of Riken Natural Environment Home Page is released. One copy is obtainable on request. Mail to the administrator.

Added on 30 June 2001

26 June 2001, Ternstroemid japonica, Kozo etc. (14 images)  

30 June 2001, Plantain lily、Rose of Sharon, Cape jasmine, etc. (16 images)

Added on 24 June 2001

24 June 2001, "Campanula punctata" and "Albizia julibrissin" etc. (20 images)

08 and 16 June 2001, "Quercus serrata" and "Phytolacca americane" (9 images)

Added on 18 June 2001

13 June 2001 - Observation on a cloudy day during rainy season (20 images)

16 June 2001 - Short walk on Saturday (15 images)

Added on 11 June 2001

5-9 June 2001 - Observation during rainy season (54 images)

Added on 5 June 2001

29 May to 4 June, 2001. Rapid change of characters (37 images)

Added on 29 May

17-27 May 2001 - Weeds, water plant and tree flowers (41 images)

Added on 21 May, 2001.

14 May 2001, Works by President Shun-ichi KOBAYASHI (14 images)

16 May 2001. At a tree-watch meeting on a rainy day (8 images)

20 May 2001. Hot rather than warm. (21 images)

Added on 14 May 2001

12-13 May 2001. Seeking for various flowers of trees and shrubs (52 images)

Added on 08 May 2001

Pages of particular authors are newly organized.

Photos by Ms. Wakako Takeda. Taken during 2000-2001. (12 images)

Added on 05 May 2001

26 April 2001. Small findings of unknown trees. (16 images)

28 April 2001. Normal trees in Wako wood park and RIKEN. (23 images)

03 May 2001. All about dogwood trees etc. (20 images)

Added on 03 May 2001

18 April 2001. Spring of the copse at the south area (20 images)

19 April 2001. The natural pond and west side of the 1st dining room at the sunset (24 images)

22 April 2001. Landscape near Yanaka river (20 images)

Added on 22 April 2001

14 April 2001. Around the Natural pond (16 images)

15 April 2001. Double cherry blossoms and greens (31 images)

16 April 2001. From photographing seminar using digital cameras (6 images)

Added on 14 April 2001

08 April 2001. Spring in the forest at the south area of Wako campus (14 images)

Spring advances day by day -from 9 to 11 of April (25 images)

Added on 11 April 2001

07 April. Changes in heros and heroins to fresh green leaves from cherry blossoms (36 images)

Added on 01 April 2001

30 March 2001. In the heart of spring enjoying full-open cherry blossoms (19 images)

31 March 2001. Snow fall after full open of cherry blossoms (very rare scenery) (24 images)

Added on 29 March 2001

28 March 2001. Running spring (21 images)

Added on 24 March 2001

24 march 2001. Rapid change of the seasons (20 images)

21 March 2001. Foresee of spring (16 images)

Added on 18 March 2001

13 March 2001. a raccoon dog found to be dead (4 images)

15 March 2001. Plum blossoms party at the Plasma builiding (12 images)

Addition on 13 march 2001

Essay titled "The unknown pond" by Dr. Yu Liu of Organic Metal Chemistry Lab. is uploaded on the web page of JISTEC. Follow the stream of "Communication" at the left column-and choose "Quarterly News Letter No.27"-"The unknown pond". If you have some difficulty to find the page, please try the following text file.

Plum blossoms around the Plasma Building on 10 March 2001. (17 images)

Visit of a gray heron on 6 Feb. 2001.

Falling snow in RIKEN on 27th of Jan. 2001. (36 images)

Rearrange on 28 Feb. 2000

Sakura in four seasons

A lunch time walk along sakura trees

White plum blossoms open at the Laser building.

Landscape of the south area afterwards (20 Feb.)

Added on 14 Feb.

07 Feb. 2001 - Plum flower watch in rain

05 Feb. - Visit of gray herron

27 Jan. 2001 - a big snow fall (36 images)

Added on 23 Jan. 2001

23 Jan. 2001 - Beginning of opening of white plum flowers

Added on 18 Jan. 2001

Cut-down trees in the south area of Wako campus

First snow of 2001

New page "One day in winter" added in Mr. Imaizumi pages

Added on 14 Dec. 2000

Problem of developing south area of Wako campus

14 Dec. 2000 - Start of the development

Previous landscape (1) 24 and 30 Nov. 2000

Previous landscape (2) by Mr. H. Ima

Added on 2 Dec. 2000

Tree album in RIKEN (20) - Autumnal landscape

Added on 25 Nov.

12 Nov. 2000 - At Koishikawa botanical garden

Added on 19 Nov. 2000

Tree album in RIKEN (19) - 7-13 Nov. 2000 -Atmosphere of late autumn

Added on 16 Oct. 2000

Tree album in RIKEN (18) - 12 Oct. 2000 - A quick watch in the campus

Added on 8 Oct. 2000

Tree album in RIKEN (17) - 5 Oct. 2000- The first tree watch meeting in autumn, 2000

Added on 1 Oct. 2000

Tree album in RIKEN (16) - Sep. 2000 - In Autumn

Added on 26 Sep. 2000

New page " Flowers from summer to autumn" in Mr. Imaizumi page

Foreign tree watch in Krakow , Poland.

Added on 31 Aug. 2000

Foreign tree watch in Hongkong

Added on 29 Aug.

Foreign tree watch in (15) - Late summer

Images by Ms. Wakako Takeda taken around natural pond

Added on 22 Aug. 2000

Tree album in RIKEN (14) - In the heart of summer

Added on 22 Aug. 2000

New or rearranged page in Mr. Imaizumi page
Curious lives in RIKEN - Maybe not comfortable to watch

Curious lives in RIKEN

One added

Flowers from spring to summer

New images added and rearranged in the below pages.

Animals in RIKEN campus (Birds etc.)

Animals in RIKEN (Insects etc.)

Added on 22 Aug. 2000

Sports ground to be burried.

Added on 30 July 2000

Tree album in RIKEN (13) - North side of Main Reserach Building - continued

15 July 2000

Tree album in RIKEN (12) - From Main Reserach Building to Cyclotron area

9 July 2000

A baby raccoon dog was watched (1)| (2)

  Just rescued from Ynaka river.
 Photo by Ms. Junko Ohno.

Japanese snake's beard (Tamaryu) opens.

Tree album in RIKEN (10) Around I-house and Laser experiment building

Tree album in RIKEN (11) - Summer trees

Added on 3 July 2000

New page of President Shun-ichi Kobayashi

Added on 1 July 2000

Tree album in RIKEN (8) South area (2)

Tree album in RIKEN (9) Around natural pond

Added on 22 June 2000

Tree album in RIKEN (6) South area (1)

Tree album in RIKEN (7) Around Main reserach building

Added on 19 June 2000

Tree album in RIKEN (4) Stewartia pseudo-camellia, Magnolia grandiflora, Hydrangea

Tree album in RIKEN (5) Hornbeam, Katsura tree, elm etc.

Added on 11 June 2000

Tree album in RIKEN (2) South side of Main reserach building to I-house

Tree album in RIKEN (3) Forest in the south of I-house

Added on 4 June 2000

Tree album in RIKEN (1) Around Main reserach building

Added on 15 May 2000

Flowers and grasses in May

In the first tree-watch meeting

Added on 29 April 2000

New green in rain - 21 April 2000 (10 images)

Distribution map of Someiyoshino and wild cherry blossoms (temporary version)

22 April 2000

Various cherry blossoms and new green leaves (20images)

Added on 17 April 2000

Spring in Harima Research Center - 15 April -(6 images)

Falling cherry blossoms and Keyaki trees - 7 April 2000 (8 images)

After effect of cherry blossoms and various spring (10 images)

(Rearrange) Wild flowers in RIKEN - From Mr. Imaizumi album (14 images)

Added on 11 April

Large egret  - A rare visitor in Hanmi season- (2 images)

6 April 2000 - Lunch time Hanami (Sakura watch) (10 images)

Added on 8 April 2000

Unstable weather at the week end -Hanami in 2000- 6 and 7 April

Added on 5 April 2000

Now the Hanami season is coming!

Added on 30 March 2000

Spring landscape on 29 March

Added on 28 March 2000

Collection of old nature images by Dr. Reita Tamamushi (25 images mainly flowers and trees)

Participation of web watchers as a photographer

20 March 2000


Steps to spring 2000 (2)

(Rearrange) Spring photos before 1999 (13 images)

12 March 2000

One of the oldest photos of Wako campus (in 1962) -2 B & W photos-

South area in 1979-(6 images)

Steps to spring 2000 (1) (8 images)

Added on 28 Feb. 2000

Bird in natural pond (8 images)

(Rearrange)Four seasons of Sakura (8 images)

(Rearrange)Lunch time walk in Hanami season (12 images)

Added on 20 Feb. 2000

*** Old vs. New Images of RIKEN Wako Campus

South area and the south of Main research building (March 1973)

Added on 10 Feb. 2000

Animals and birds

Spot-billed Duck etc. in natural pond (10 images)

Added on 29 Jan.2000

Variation of the landscape

*** March 1976 ***

(3) From east area watching Main research building

***march 1975 ***

(4) Looking west side
Mt. Fuji and natural pond

(5)Natural pond
The route to the I-house and Bio-Science research building

*** Jan. 2000 ***
(2) From Main Research Building Looking at west side
A I-house, natural pond and second dining room
B west
C north west
(3) Natural pond
The route to the I-house and Bio-Science research building

Added on 24 Jan.2000

Variation of landscape in Wako campus


***March 1976***

(1) Looking east side from Main research building
 A north east
 B east
 C south east
(2) Main research building viewed from sports ground

<Jan. 2000>

(1) Looking east side from Main research building
 A. north east
 B. east
 C. south east

Addition on 25 Nov. 1999


  1. Ginkgo in yellow
  2. Pretty red-brown leaves at the natural pond.

<Natural pond>

  1. Windy November.

Addition on 14 Nov. 1999


  1. "Amerikasendangusa" in Japanese.
  2. A kind of smartweed. "Inutade" in Japanese.
  3. White inutade in Japanese.
  4. Kanamugura in Japanese.
  5. Narukobie in Japanese.
  6. Japanese pampus grass. "Susuki" in Japanese.
  7. Another kind of Japanese pampus grass. "Ogi" in Japanese.
  8. What is the difference between "susuki" and "ogi"?
  9. Carllicarpa japonica. "Murasaki-sikibu" in Japanese.
  10. Wisteria at their best.
  11. A kind of "Hototogisu" at the south of Bioscience building.
  12. Lagerstroemia indica
  13. Kerria japonica
  14. Kikuimo in Japanese.
  15. Konishikiso in Japanese.
  16. A kind of Calystegia japonica. Hirugao in Japanese.
  17. Kitamagodake in Japanese.
  18. Nekojarashi in Japanese.
  19. Tsurubo in Japanese.
  20. Kumazasa in Japanese.


  1. Carp

Addition on 21 Aug. 1999

Wisteria in summer (1)
Wisteria in summer (2)
Tree against the sunset
"Futoi" In japanese
Cherry in summer(1)
Cherry in summer (2)

Addition on 9 July 1999

<Sky & Weather >

  1. Dark cloud


  1. Hydrangea3
  2. Hydrangea4

Addition on 28 May 1999


  1. Trees in spring


  1. Flowers in spring

Addition on 22 May 1999


  1. "Utugi" in Japanese
  2. Competing three colors in spring

Addition on 17 May 1999


  1. Gray Heron in the natural pond (23 April 1999) (1) (2) (3) (4)
  2. White Wagtail (23 April 1999)


  1. Lotus at the rotary pond
  2. Yellow iris in the natural pond(1) Overview (2)Detail

Addition on 24 April 1999.


Japanese primrose in Akigase Park.

  1. Japanese primrose - overview
  2. Japanese primrose - detail

Addition on 21 April 1999.

<Sakura Scenes>

Close-up of sakura blossoms

<Natural pond>

Snow and foot marks.

<Sakura in 4 seasons>

Sakura in winter on a snowy day.

Addition on 16 April 1999.


A cicada. "Aburazemi" in Japanese.


"Fuderindo" in Japanese.


Natural pond requires care for being cleaned.

Addition on 15 April 1999.


  1. Mokuren in the evening
  2. "Ume" with snow


  1. "Susuki" in winter
  2. Natural pond in winter


  1. Tortoise. "Kame" in Japanese.
  2. Japanese striped snake. "Shimahebi" in Japanese.


  1. "Daimyoseseri" in Japanese.
  2. "Kitateha" in Japanese.


  1. "Kakidoshi" in Japanese.
  2. "Todaigusa" in Japanese.
  3. "Kusaboke" in Japanese.
  4. "Himeodorikosou" in Japanese.
  5. Bamboo grass. "Sasa-no-hana" in Japanese.
  6. "Tachitubo-sumire" in Japanese.
  7. Japanese dandelion. "Kanto-tanpopo" in Japanese.
  8. "Tsubosumire" in Japanese.
  9. "Utsubogusa" in Japanese.
  10. Chinese milk vetch. "Rengeso" in Japanese.
  11. "Fuderindo" in Japanese.
  12. Wild rocambole. "Nobiru" in Japanese.
  13. "Kijimushiro" in Japanese.
  14. "Tsuyukusa" in Japanese.
  15. "Kitsune-azami" in Japanese.
  16. A wild rose. "Noibara" in Japanese.
  17. Cluster-amaryllis. "Higanbana" in Japanese.
  18. "Hekuso-kadura" in Japanese.
  19. Fruit of "Iigiri" in Japanese.
  20. Fruit of snake gourd. "Karasu-uri" in Japanese.

<"Sakura"- Cherry blossoms>

  1. Sakura at night. "Yozakura" in Japanese.

Addition on 8 April 1999.


  1. Shoveler. "Hasibirogamo" in Japanese.
  2. Brown-eared Bulbul. "Hiyodori" in Japanese.
  3. Siberian Meadow Bunting. "Hojiro" in Japanese.
  4. Daurian Redstart. "Jobitaki" in Japanese.
  5. Spot-billed Duck. "Karugamo" in Japanese.
  6. A group of Spot-billed Duck. "Karugamo-no-mure" in Japanese
  7. Rustic Bunting. "Kasiradaka" in Japanese.
  8. Oriental Greenfinch. "Kawarahiwa" in Japanese.
  9. Common Pheasant. "Kiji" in Japanese.
  10. Little Egret. "Kosagi" in Japanese.
  11. Bull-headed Shrike. "Mozu" in Japanese.
  12. Great Tit. "Sijukara" in Japanese.
  13. Dusky Thrush. "Tsugumi" in Japanese.


  1. An insect similar to Dragonfly. "Tsuno-tombo" in Japanese.


  1. White dandelion. A variation. "Shiro-tanpopo" in Japanese.
  2. Variation of Gaillardia pulchella "Tennin-giku" in Japanese.

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