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ANAPAW is not supported by RIBFDAQ group, however the distribution of source files are permitted by authors of ANAPAW.

Version 2.3.1

Main sources | fileanapaw-v2.3.1.tar.gz

User sources | fileusersrc.tar.gz

Usersrc includes enc***.f files, which are not same as sources used in DayONE or DayTWO experiments. You can use those for analysis of beamline data, though these are developping version. You need some settings for detector configuration or parameters.

Version 2.3.2 ( with root tree converter )

Main sources | fileanapaw-v2.3.2.tar.gz

User sources | fileusersrc-ribf57.tar.gz

This set was made for RIBF57 experiment with ANAPAW version 2.3.2, which can make root tree.

Version 2.3.2 ( with root tree converter )

Main sources | fileanapaw-ribf28-20110125.tar.gz

User sources | filesrc-ribf28-20110125.tar.gz

This set is for SUNDAY experiment.


ANAROOT is not supported by RIBFDAQ group, however the distribution of source files are permitted by authors of ANAROOT.

SpecTcl/Tk for RIBF

RIBFDAQ has library to handle RIDF files in SpecTcl/Tk. To use this library please contact us.

Last-modified: Wed, 24 May 2023 21:51:25 HAST (636d)