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ANAROOT is the toolkit for the online/offline analysis at RIBF experiments. This software is optimized for the analysis of RIDF raw data produced by RIBF DAQ system. Followings are functionality implemented in ANAROOT:

- RIDF rawdata decoding.
 - Data input through ridf file, online shared memory and data streaming are supported.
- RIBF data analysis/reconstruction software.
 - particle identification of secondary particles with ZeroDegree and/or BigRIPS.
 - reconstruction code for SAMURAI is under development.
 - reconstruction code for EURICA including event building by using time-stamp information is under development.
- CUI base UI
 - anapaw like command lines w/ Nadeko library
 - user routine w/ analoop

If you have any questions or comments about ANAROOT, let T.Isobe know.

poster presentation at RIBF Users meeting 2013: fileanaroot_ribfusermeeting2013.pdf.

powered by T. Isobe (RNC).

Last-modified: Tue, 02 Jul 2013 03:11:06 HADT (4087d)