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LUPO (Logic Unit for Programmable Operation)


LUPO is user programmable FPGA based CAMAC/VME module.

Firmware Versions (read from BaseAddress+0x70)

VME Lupo
0x0000 : may be Time Stamp Rev. 1.1
0x2112 : I/O Register Rev1.2 
0x2216 : Time Stamp Rev.1.6 
0x2912 : DAQ Master Rev 1.2
0x2913 : DAQ Master Rev 1.3 (aux scaler added for HIMAC exp.)

Time Stamp

Manual is here filelupo_timestamp_rev1.2e.pdf.

The functions of LUPO Time Stamp Module are:

  • Store time information according to input trigger
  • Synchronize external 25MHz NIM clock
  • Create 100MHz clock inside of FPGA from internal/external clock
  • 1ch Output 25MHz Internal clock
  • 1ch Output 25MHz External clock (through out of the external clock)
  • 2ch Output Register (Pulse and Level)
  • Interrupt Register


You have to decide one clock master module, and all LUPO Time Stamp Modules must synchronize this master clock. In addition to the master clock, Time Stamp Modules require Time Reset signal which is to reset the clock counter to zero.

Input and Output and Interrupt Register

DAQ Master

Manual is here filelupo_daqmaster_rev1.1e.pdf.

Trigger Selector

FPGA Training

These documents are to develop your own circuits in LUPO and GTO. Lectures are common issues to develop FPGA circuits.

Lecture Vol.1

Vol.1In Englishfilefpgalecture1e.pdf
In Japanesefilefpgalecture1.pdf


VLUPO TimeStamp 3.0 (dual timestamp)

Only use internal clock. To synchronize other LUPOs, this LUPO with TimeStamp 3.0 firmware must be the clock master. In3 is for clearing TS2 counter. If In3 is not applied, TS1 and TS2 will have the same value.

In0 : Interrupt Input
In1 : Trigger Input
In2 : TimeStamp Reset (both TS1 and TS2)
In3 : Only TS2 Reset
Out0 : Output Register
Out1 : Output Register
Out2 : 25MHz Clock (for other LUPO)
Out3 : Trigger through
0x0000 D16 TS1(0..15 bit)
0x0002 D16 TS1(16..31 bit)
0x0004 D16 TS1(32..47 bit)

0x0006 D16 TS2(0..15 bit)
0x0008 D16 TS2(16..31 bit)
0x000a D16 TS2(32..47 bit)

0x0010 D32 TS1(0..31 bit)
0x0014 D32 TS1(32..47 bit)

0x0018 D32 TS2(0..31 bit)
0x001c D32 TS2(32..47 bit)
Last-modified: Fri, 08 Jun 2018 11:26:48 JST (2470d)