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Reference for Classes defined in ANAROOT

Here gives some reference of ANAROOT classes. As of autumn 2011, libraries for RIDF decoding, BigRIPS reconstruction are supported. Libraries for SAMURAI detectors and EURICA detectors are supposed to be developed soon.

RIDF file decoder



${ANAROOT_SYS} is the directory where ANAROOT is installed in.

Members of Core

Create and add your class

How to add new class created by yourself.

  1. Create YOURCLASS.h and YOURCLASS.cc.
  2. Put each files to ${ANAROOT_SYS}/source/Core/include/ and ${ANAROOT_SYS}/source/Core/src/, respectively.
  3. Add following line to ${ANAROOT_SYS}/source/Core/anacore_linkdef.h.

    #pragma link C++ class YOURCLASS-!;

  4. Recompile libanacore.so

 $cd ${ANAROOT_SYS}  $make install

Example Core

  1. RIDF2Histo.C
  2. RIDF2Tree.C
  3. RIDF2Histo_online.C
Last-modified: Thu, 06 Feb 2014 22:59:44 HAST (4052d)