Here the installation and setup sequence are introduced to use NBBQ and babirlDAQ on your PC. To handle CAMAC/VME controllers, the NBBQ software package is required. Please install NBBQ first, after that install babirlDAQ. You can get files from here.
Install NBBQ
Uncompress tar file or get files via svn (from RIKEN inside)
(by tar file) cd ~/ tar zxvf nbbq-****.tar.gz cd nbbq-**** ./config (please ask questions) make su make install
Install NBBQ modules
For the first time, (Fedra or CentOS or Scientific Linux case)
/etc/rc.d/init.d/nbbq restart
Usually, at the boot up time, above service is automatically run. Recent udev system, you have to register device files by your hands (when reboot a PC, device files are removed, and recreated by the udev system). The easiest way is insert these lines in /etc/rc.d/init.d/nbbq file:
su emacs -nw /etc/rc.d/init.d/nbbq start() { daemon /usr/nbbq/analyzer/analyzer -D $INSM $DIR/bb-cc77/bb-cc77.ko $INSM $DIR/bb-sbs620/bb-sbs620.ko $INSM $DIR/nbbqccio/nbbqccio.ko $INSM $DIR/nbbqvio/nbbqvio.ko ######## insert these 4 lines ######## mknod -m 0666 /dev/nbbqccio c 127 0 mknod -m 0666 /dev/nbbqvio c 126 0 mknod -m 0666 /dev/nbbqdrv c 122 0 mknod -m 0666 /dev/babildrv c 124 0 ###################################### } stop() { $RMM nbbqdrv $RMM nbbqccio $RMM nbbqvio $RMM bb-cc77 $RMM bb-sbs620 killproc analyzer }
Install babirlDAQ (user mode)
About the full installation, please refer DAQ/Manual/Installation
Uncompress tar file or get files via svn (from RIKEN inside)
(by tar file) cd ~/ tar zxvf babirl-****.tar.gz ln -s babirl-**** babirl
Configure include/userdefine.h
Edit userdefine.h like this, (here assuming user = daq)
cd babirl emacs -nw include/userdefine.h
/* include/userdefine.h */ #define BABIRLDIR "/home/daq/babirl" #define PIDDIR "/home/daq/babirl/run"
cd babirl make
Processes and Drivers
To run babirlDAQ on 1PC with user mode:
Launch babinfo, babild and babies(with normal Linux mode)
cd babirl bin/babinfo bin/babild -l 1 bin/babies -l 10
Check the connectivity
cd babirl bin/babicon
You could connect babild(=Event Builder).
Prepare the event flagment (babies)
Setup Web Utilities helps you.
From command line:
bin/babicon localhost> seteflist 10 add localhost localhost localhost> getesconfig 10 (You can see the configuration of babies) localhost> setesconfig 10 rtdrv /home/USERNAME/drv localhost> exit
Prepare CAMAC/VME data readout driver
Copy files
cd ~ mkdir drv cd drv cp -dpR ~/babirl/babidrv/* ./ (for kernel 2.4 case) ln -sf Makefile.24 Makefile
Definitions bbmodules.h
Edit bbmodules.h, this sample is using SBS618/620 PCI-VME and CANE V772/V785/V792 ADCs, interrupt levelt = 1:
#define EFN 10 #define MAXBUFF 3000 #define VME #define VMEINT #define SBS620 #define DBUFF #define INTLEVEL 1 #define ADCADDR 0x11110000
startup.c for startup sequence
void startup(void){ /* Startup Function */ vme_define_intlevel(INTLEVEL); v7XX_clear(ADCADDR); }
evt.c for event-by-event sequence
void evt(void){ /* Event */ vme_read_intvector(); init_event(); init_segment(MKSEGID(0,0,0,V785)); v7XX_segdata(ADCADDR); end_segment(); v7XX_clear(ADCADDR); }
MKSEGID is the definition of SEGMENTID. It is used to find "what is this segment", and useful for analysis software. About this segment-id, please see DataFormat.
clear.c for clear
void clear(void){ // you should write output register command // to clear VETO signal }
stop.c for stop sequense
void stop(void){ v7XX_clear(ADCADDR); }
Start and Stop
(non data store mode) localhost> nssta localhost> stop (data store mode) localhost> sethdlist 0 path /home/USERNAME localhost> wth write header localhost> start localhost> stop
Check the stored data
babirl/bin/chkridf /home/USERNAME/data0001.ridf
Setup Web Utilities
Launch web service
Babirl web based configurator requires httpd with php (ver.5 or later with XML library). To install php, Scientific Linux case:
yum install php yum install php-xml
HTTP server has to be launched,
service httpd start chkconfig --level 35 httpd on // Automatically launch at the OS startup
If you use web-utilities on a user directory, /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf should be modified as:
<IfModule mod_userdir.c> # UserDir disabled <-- Comment out UserDir public_html <-- write this line </IfModule>
And the "FollowSymLinks" option is useful. In Scientific Linux 6.0, it is available by default.
Copy or link web-utilities
cd ~/ ln -s /home/USERNAME/daq/babirl/webutil ./public_html or cp -dpR ../daq/babirl/webutil ./public_html
Set the permission,
chmod 777 public_html/xml chmod 777 public_html/dat
From here, you can access via Web-browser (http://YOURHOST/~USERNAME/). About the configuration of Web-utilities, please refer WebUtility.
It is better to set php.ini about time zone like this:
[Date] ; Defines the default timezone used by the date functions ; http://www.php.net/manual/en/datetime.configuration.php#ini.date.timezone date.timezone = "Asia/Tokyo"
To use 'Web process manager', the process of 'babimo' is required. This 'babimo' is not safe process, it makes security hole. You should not run it under commonly-used servers.
To run 'babimo', it require the root privilege,
Online analysis
First step
babian is a front-end for online software (such as ANAPAW, SpecTcl/Tk). First you have to launch babian:
And you have to configure client host to send online data:
babirl/bin/babicon localhost> setclinfo 0 add localhost
During run (nssta or start), you can check online data by using chkridf or monan
(non interactive) babirl/bin/chkridf -s 0 (interactive but not graphical) babirl/devtool/monan