Manual for developers
This page shows information to develop new your software.
- Manual for babies
If you want to know how to use the standard babies or how to develop your full customized babies, please see pdf files in here. - libbabies for custom babies
There is useful library to develop your custom babies.
libbabies for custom babies
libbabies is library to develop your custom babies. To obtain libbabies, please download babirl140725 or later. In 'skelton' directory, there are an example and library.
libbabies.c : source of library libbabies.h : header file csample.c : a skelton of custom babies segidlist.h : segment ID list used in RIBF Makefile : make file for csample
Customize parameters in libbabies.h
There are some customize parameters in libbabies.h. Usually, you don't need to modify this.
//#define DEBUG 1 // If enable this, debug messages are shown // Selection of buffer size, w/o HUGEBUFF, LARGEBUFF => 256kB buffer #define HUGEBUFF 1 // 8MB Buffer //#define LARGEBUFF 1 // 2MB Buffer #define BABIESRC "./babies.rc" // path of initialization file for babies
- register user functions
- initialize libbabies
- main loop
Register user functions
In libbabies, user functions can be called when some commands are issued by babicon.
- babies_quit(void *(func)(void))
- When "esquit" by babicon comes or SIGINT is received, function will be called.
- babies_start(void *(func)(void))
- When "start" by babicon, function will be called. If babies_nssta() is not registered, this function is called for "nssta" too.
- babies_nssta(void *(func)(void))
- When "nssta" by babicon, this function is called.
- babies_stop(void *(func)(void))
- When "stop" is called, this function will be called after data taking is terminated by babies_last_block().
- babies_reload(void *(func)(void))
- When "reloadesdrv" by babicon, this function is called.
- babies_evtloop(void *(func)(void))
- Registered function will be lunched as a thread. In this loop, data are taken and copied to buffer in libbabies. Please see EventLoop.
- babies_init(int efn)
- Initialize libbabies. This function must be called before babies_main().
- babies_name(char *name)
- The name of your program can be registered. It is read by "whoareyou" command of babicon.
- babies_check(void)
- This function shows parameters you registered.
Main loop
- babies_main(void)
- It is a main loop to receive commands from babild/babicon. The process is blocked this babies_main().
Event Loop
EventLoop is for readout data from your device, and transfer data to babild (event builder). Your event loop is registered by babies_evtloop(void *(func)(void)). The template of EventLoop is like this:
void evtloop(void){ int status; while((status = babies_status()) != -1){ switch(status){ case STAT_RUN_IDLE: /* noop */ break; /* "start" or "nssta" command by babicon, status will be here */ case STAT_RUN_START: case STAT_RUN_NSSTA: /* Wait your event here, don't block forever, should have the timeout */ // recv(...), or select(...), or your function babies_init_event(); // Initialize event babies_init_segment(MKSEGID(0, 0, 0, C16)); // Make segment header //babies_segdata((char *)yourdata, sizeof(yourdata)); // Copy your data to the buffer babies_end_segment(); // End segment babies_end_event(); // End event if(babies_chk_block(8000)){ // Check the buffer size in the libbabies babies_flush(); // Data send to babild } break; /* "stop" command by babicon, status will be STAT_RUN_WAITSTOP; */ case STAT_RUN_WAITSTOP: babies_flush(); // Data send to babild babies_last_block(); // Declare the stop sequence is finished break; default: break; } } }
In case of csample.c, the routines are called as follow. Please note that csample is multi-thread program, evtloop and other functions run in parallel.
Installation babirlDAQ and test with libbabies
About the full installation, please refer DAQ/Manual/Installation or DAQ/Manual/TestBench. If you only use libbabies based babies, NBBQ is not required.
Install babirlDAQ
Uncompress tar file or get files via svn (from RIKEN inside)
(by tar file) cd ~/ tar zxvf babirl-****.tar.gz ln -s babirl-**** babirl
Configure include/userdefine.h
Edit userdefine.h like this, (here assuming user = daq)
cd babirl emacs -nw include/userdefine.h
/* include/userdefine.h */ #define BABIRLDIR "/home/daq/babirl" #define PIDDIR "/home/daq/babirl/run"
cd babirl make
To run babirlDAQ on 1PC with user mode:
Launch babinfo and babild
cd babirl bin/babinfo bin/babild -l 1
Launch your babies or csample for the test
csample generates dummy data when DAQ is started
cd babirl/skelton ./csample 20
Check the connectivity
cd babirl bin/babicon
You could connect babild(=Event Builder).
Functionality check
register event fragment
Launch babicon (localhost)
by babicon
localhost> seteflist 20 add localhost Test localhost> nssta // nssta is DAQ start without data storage localhost> stop // you may see the number of events
online client
Launch babian
And register, client
localhost> setclinfo 0 add localhost localhost> nssta
Launch chkridf with online mode
bin/chkridf -s 0
You can see the latest raw data. If you need to use more than 64kB block, please use babianpull instead of babian. This is 'pull' type TCP/IP online client. Nomal babian is 'push' type UDP/IP online client.
babian/babianpull HOSTNAME
client information in babicon is not necessary. Please delete.
bin/babicon localhost> setclinfo 0 del