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Procedure to use RIBFDAQ on your RIBF experiment

  1. One month before the experiment
    1. Send the application form
    2. Reply suggestions from RIBFDAQ group
  2. One or two week before the experiment
    1. Preparation by RIBFDAQ group
    2. Preparation by your group
  3. After the experiment
    1. Raw data copy
    2. Offline analysis on RIBF cluster (if you need)

Before the application form

If we need some develpments such as combining other DAQ system and RIBFDAQ, please inform us what you want to do well before your experiment. At any time, for BigRIPS and ZeroDegree Spectrometer beam line detectors, default circuits (CAMAC QDC and TDC) are available. For DALI which is a frequently-used gamma detector array, there are own QDCs and TDCs. About the use of DALI's circuits, please contact in-beam gamma group.

Send the application form

Please fill the application form fileribfdaqapplicationform.txt and send it to us by e-mail. The following is an example of the application form.

RIBF DAQ application form

Please complete and submit the following application form to
 ribf-daq (at) ribf.riken.jp by e-mail.

 About applicant
 1.  Date of this submission                          : Nov.10, 2008
 2.  Name                                             : Hidetada Baba
 3.  E-mail address                                   : hogehoge@hoge.usa
 4.  Affiliation                                      : RIKEN
 5.  Phone number                                     : +81-48-467-XXXX

  About experiment
 6.  Proposal Number + Spokes person                  : NP0802-RIBF56 (Baba)
 7.  The nickname of your experiment *1               : ribf56
 8.  Experimental cource (BigRIPS/ZeroDegree/SHARAQ)  : BigRIPS + ZeroDegree
 9.  Additional detector (DALI/GRAPE/others)          : BGO,BaF array @ F8
10.  Term of machine time                             : Dec.05 -  Dec.21, 2008
11.  Request time of RIBFDAQ use *2                   : Nov.27 - Dec.27, 2008

  About specialty
12.  Request the time stamping system (Yes/No) *3     : No
13.  Combine your DAQ software and RIBFDAQ (Yes/No)   : No
14.  The use of your own analysis server (Yes/No) *4  : No

*1 Given nickname is used for the user ID of gateway and analysis servers.
*2 For a maximum, you can use one months before and after your machine time 
  as far as it does not interfere with other experiments.
*3 If you need the individual triggering DAQ system, the time stamping system
   is usable. Default DAQ is the common trigger + common dead time mode.
*4 If you need, the fiexed IP is given. To copy raw data from the storage 
   system, the rsync method is proveded.

Reply suggestions from RIBFDAQ group

Our reply may include about the DAQ configuration, the data storage, online analysis environment and so on.

Preparation by RIBFDAQ group

RIBFDAQ group prepare the default setting.

  • User account for our servers (gateway and analysis)
  • The storage area
  • Event builder

Preparation by your group

If you need to modify the default setting, we request one or more DAQ people from your group. Our group may be able to instruct your DAQ people on setting. Also please refer to Manual pages.

Raw data copy

Raw data acquired by RIBFDAQ are stored into our DAQ-RAID installed at the B3F measurement area. During the experiment, this raw data is also copied to an archive-RAID placed at 1F of the RIBF building, semi-automatically. Stored data on archive-RAID can be accessed from RIBF cluster servers. Data on archive-RAID will be kept permanently, but data on DAQ-RAID will be deleted very after the experiment. It is not permitted to use DAQ servers one month after the end of your experiment, please copy raw data to your own storage system as soon as possible.

To copy data to your computer, there are two possibilities:

  • HDD disk (SATA or USB drive)
  • Via the network transfer (RIKEN internal only)

There are two eSATA boxes which can install 4 bare SATA drives. These eSATA boxes can be used not only for a raw data space but also for a working space. Files in your working space are not copied to our archive-RAID, you have to copy not only raw data but also your analysis routine by your self.

Offline analysis on the RIBF cluster

RIBF Computing and Network Team provides offline analysis servers on the RIBF cluster. Raw data is copied archive-RAID which belongs this RIBF cluster, semi-automatically. Users of RIBF cluster can do the offline analysis on RIBF cluster and can access your raw data. Since, access permission (group based) of your raw data is managed by a server administrator, a spokesperson have to send an e-mail to our group.

Access permission for archived raw data

Please complete and submit the following application form to
ribf-daq (at) ribf.riken.jp by e-mail.

About applicant and experiment
1.  Date of this submission                    : Nov.30, 2008
2.  Name                                       : Hidetada Baba
3.  E-mail address                             : foobar@foo.bar
4.  Affiliation                                : RIKEN
5.  Proposal Number + Spokes person            : NP0802-RIBF56 (Baba)
6.  List of user names to be permitted*1       : baba, hoge, foo, bar  

*1 Please write exist user names in RIBF cluster.

If you (your collaborator) would like to use the RIBF cluster, but don't have account, please apply your new account (please refer to the RIBF cluster page).

Last-modified: Tue, 13 Dec 2011 16:20:01 HAST (4761d)