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- MB 1024*1024 = 1048576
- MAXBLOCKSIZE 128kByte = 131072
Function members
- TArtEventStore()
- virtual bool Open()
- virtual bool Open(const int sid)
- virtual bool Open(const char *filename)
- virtual bool Open(const char* hostname, const int port);
- void ClearData()
- void SetInterrupt(bool *p)
- void LoadMapConfig(const char *filename)
- bool GetNextEvent()
- TArtRawEventObject * GetRawEventObject()
- TClonesArray * GetEventInfoArray()
- void SetObjectPointer( TArtRawEventObject *raweve
- TArtDataSource *fDataSource
- TArtParser *fParser
- TClonesArray *info_array
- TArtRawEventObject *rawevent
- bool *pInterrupt;
- char *fMapFileName
- TArtStoreManager *sman
Function documents
- TArtEventStore()
Initialize fDataSource, fParser, and fIsInitalied.
- Open()
Return Open(0).
- Open(const int sid)
Open shared memory for online analysis.
"sid" means shared memory id defined by babirl.
- Open(const char *filename)
Open RIDF file.
- Open(const char *hostname, const int port)
Open data streaming described hostname and port.
- ClearData()
Clear TArtEventInfo and TArtRawEvent object.
- void LoadMapConfig( const char *filename)
Open map file.
You have to load RIDF file before calling this function.
- bool GetNextEvent()
Get next event block and parse block using TArtParser.
If reach the end of file, return false.
You have to define TArtRawEventObject before calling this function.
- TArtRawEventObject * GetRawEventObject()
Return pointer of rawevent.
- TClonesArray * GetEventInfoArray()
Return pointer of info_array.
- void SetObjectPointer(TArtRawEventObject *raweve)
Assign a pointer of rawevent to raweve.
Last-modified: Sun, 28 Oct 2012 22:01:06 HAST (4518d)