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Function members



Function documents

  • TArtRDF()
    Assign kBlockSize to fBlockLen.
  • Instance()
    Generate fgInstance as TArtRDF.
  • ArtBlockStat_t GetNextBlock(TArtDataSource* source
    Read buffer which length defined by fBlockLen from source. Return block status.
  • ArtEventStat_t GetNextEvent(unsigned short* buf,unsigned short* runbuf, unsigned short* rnum, int &nw)
    Parse block and return event status.
  • void FindSegment(unsigned short *evtdata, int *evtsize, int *segid, int *addr, int *nw, int *maxsegid)
    Scan evtdata using evtsize, segid.
Last-modified: Wed, 14 Dec 2011 10:11:14 JST (4664d)