VISA support
We can asist your application of VISA for the conference period by providing necessary papers.
Please contact at
(Please change [at] to "@".)
This support is available only until May 13th (Tuesday), 2014.
Financial Support
Partial support will be avilable for young scientists
who are not financially supported from their home institutions.
This may also apply to senior scientists from developing countries.
The maximum amount for the support is 50,000JPY/person.
If your request is accepted, you will receive the support in cash at the registration desk.
We have limited financial resources and the support will be provided to limited number
of applicants. Thank you for your understanding.
How to Apply for the Financial Support
[Application Requirements for Young Scientists]
- Present during his/her assigned oral or poster session.
- Show student ID at the conference site.
- Send a photocopy of your student ID.
- Send "Manuscript Number (ARIS2014abstr-xxx)".
- Send a short written recommendation from supervisor or a senior member of your laboratory.
Please send us the above items #3, #4, and #5 by email.
[Application Requirements for Senior Scientists from Developing Countries]
- Present during his/her assigned oral or poster session.
- Send "Manuscript Number (ARIS2014abstr-xxx)".
- Send an application letter stating reasons for needs of financial support.
Please send us the above items #2 and #3 by email.
Accommodation Available
The applicants of the financial support may stay at
the guest house sited on RIKEN Wako Campus upon request.
RIKEN Wako Campus is located in the suburbs of Tokyo.
It will take you about 60 minutes to the conference site,
ITO Int'l Research Center.
Room charges for the guest house will be paid by the ARIS2014 Secretariat.
The period of your stay should not exceed the conference period.
Please send us your request together with the flight schedule if you need this guest house.
Deadline of Application: April 30th, 2014
aris_secretariat[at] (please change [at] to @)
The ARIS2014 Secretariat will contact you by email after processing your application.