This page is for the abstract submission
Thank you for your contributions to ARIS2014.
Abstract submission for oral and poster presentation was closed at Feb. 7th.
We have re-opened the submission site only for invited speakers
from 9:00, Feb. 17th, 2014 (JST).
All conference participants who would like to present a talk or a poster are requested to submit an abstract.
- Deadline of abstract submission was extended to Feb. 7th 2014.
- Please prepare a A4 one-page abstract in PDF format. Templates can be downloaded in LaTeX or MS Word format. For LaTeX, please use the style file together.
- In order to submit your abstract, please visit the abstract submission site (JPS Conference Proceedings)
through the link at the bottom, and
- Create an account: click "register here" if you are a new user. Your email address and password should be given. This account is used only for the abstract submission. You will receive an 'Author-Registration' notice by email after creating your own account.
*Once you created your own account, you can login at any time to restart the submission process.
- Start submission: click "submit a new paper" to post your abstract file (PDF).
There are five mandatory items; Section, Program No., Title, Authors, and ,Submission file (a A4 one-page PDF file).
For the second mandatory item of "Program No.",
please select one scope and input the number from the list below;
- nuclear structure
- nuclear astrophysics
- fundamental symmetries and interactions
- nuclear reactions and responses
- nuclear properties including atomic masses and fundamental constants,
nuclear moments and radii, rare decay modes, and nuclei at the drip lines
- nuclear EOS and its implications
- heaviest elements and fission
- radioactive ion beam production and developments of experimental devices
- computational developments
- applications
- other related issues
- After submitting your abstract, you will receive 'Author-Tentative' notice with your "Tentative Manuscript Number" (T***** : five digit number). The staus of your abstract will become 'Manuscript posted'.
- If your submission was successful, you will receive an acknowledgement with your "Manuscript Number" (ARIS2014abstr-*** : three digit number).
The status will be changed to 'Manuscript received'.
This number will be requested during the process of the conference registration available from Jan. 8th 2014.
- You will be informed in mid-March 2014 when your abstract has been selected for an oral or a poster presentation.
**Please ignore the link of "Guide to Online Submission" which is shown on the top right of the abstract submission site. This link has no relation with ARIS2014.
Go to the abstract submission site