Talk Lists
- International (Invited)
- International (Contributed)
- Domestic (Invited)
- Domestic (Contributed)
- Seminars
- Posters
- Non-speaker
- For General
International (Invited)
"Impact of the isospin symmetry breaking on nuclear properties"
SSNET'22 —International Conference on Shapes and Symmetries in Nuclei: from Experiment to Theory—
(2024-11-06, Laboratoire de Physique des 2 infinis Irène Joliot-Curie (IJCLab) (Orsay, France))
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"Quantum multi-body problems using unsupervised machine learning"
77th OMEG Workshop
(2024-10-08, Origin of Matter and Evolution of Galaxies Institute, Soongsil University (Seoul, Korea))
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"Impact of the isospin symmetry breaking on the nuclear equation of state —Towards accurate description of nuclear structure—"
73rd OMEG-SSANP Workshop "r-process nucleosynthesis and some specific topics for nuclear physics"
(2024-03-15, Origin of Matter and Evolution of Galaxies Institute, Soongsil University (Seoul, Korea))
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"A simple method of multi-body wave function using deep neural network"
Computational Approaches to Quantum Many-Body Systems
(2023-10-19, Sonic City Building (Saitama, Japan))
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"Impact of the isospin symmetry breaking on the nuclear equation of state"
1st IReNA-Ukakuren Joint Workshop "Advancing Professional Development in Nuclear Astrophysics and Beyond"
(2023-08-29, National Astronomical Observatory of Japan (Mitaka, Tokyo, Japan))
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"Isospin symmetry breaking in nuclear ground state"
NuSym22, X International Symposium on Nuclear Symmetry Energy
(2022-09-27, Laboratori Nazionali del Sud, Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN) (Catania, Sicily, Italy, talked online))
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"Can we improve energy density functionals? —A perturbative method—"
SSNET'22 —International Conference on Shapes and Symmetries in Nuclei: from Experiment to Theory—
(2022-06-02, Laboratoire de Physique des 2 infinis Irène Joliot-Curie (IJCLab) (Orsay, France, talked online))
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"Electromagnetic Contribution to Nuclear Binding Energy"
International workshop for graduate students and young physicists on nuclear physics
(2019-11-23, School of Physics, Peking University (Beijing, China))
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"Coulomb Energy Density Functionals for Nuclear Systems"
One-day workshop on "New Vistas on Nuclear Dynamics: Shapes, Spin, and Isospin"
(2019-02-27, Dipartimento di Fisica, Università degli Studi di Milano (Milan, Lombardy, Italy))
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"Coulomb Energy Density Functionals for Nuclear Systems"
Recent progress of nuclear structure and reaction theory
(2018-04-26, Department of Physics, Tohoku University (Sendai, Miyagi, Japan))
International (Contributed)
"Isospin symmetry breaking energy density functional based on quantum chromodynamics"
VIIth Topical Workshop on Modern Aspects in Nuclear Structure—The Many Facets of Nuclear Structure— (Bormio2025)
(2025-02-08, Sala Terme (イタリア・ロンバルディア州ボルミオ))
, Gianluca Colò, Tetsuo Hatsuda, Xavier Roca-Maza, and Hiroyuki Sagawa. -
"Isospin symmetry breaking energy density functional based on quantum chromodynamics"
RCNP–CENuM–OMEG Symposium on Nuclear Structure, Reaction, and Astrophysics (NuSRAP2024)
(2024-12-20, Research Center for Nuclear Physics, Osaka University (Ibaraki, Osaka, Japan))
, Gianluca Colò, Tetsuo Hatsuda, Xavier Roca-Maza, and Hiroyuki Sagawa. -
"Impact of the isospin symmetry breaking on nuclear densities"
Low-Energy Electron Scattering for Nucleon and Exotic Nuclei (LEES2024)
(2024-10-31, TOKYO ELECTRON House of Creativity, Tohoku University (Sendai, Miyagi, Japan))
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"Microscopic determination of the isospin symmetry breaking energy density functional"
NuSym24, XII International Symposium on Nuclear Symmetry Energy
(2024-09-09, Grand Accélérateur National d'Ions Lourds (GANIL) (Caen, Normandie, France))
, Gianluca Colò, Tetsuo Hatsuda, Xavier Roca-Maza, and Hiroyuki Sagawa. -
"QCD-based charge independence breaking energy density functional"
The 10th International Conference on Quarks and Nuclear Physics (QNP2024)
(2024-07-10, Facultat de Biologia, Universitat de Barcelona (Barcelona, Catalunya, Spain))
, Gianluca Colò, Tetsuo Hatsuda, Xavier Roca-Maza, and Hiroyuki Sagawa. -
"Impact of the isospin symmetry breaking on the neutron-skin thickness and the nuclear equation of state"
7th International Conference on Collective Motion in Nuclei under Extreme Conditions (COMEX7)
(2023-06-15, Dipartimento di Fisica e Astronomia, Università degli Studi di Catania (Catania, Sicily, Italy))
, Gianluca Colò, Haozhao Liang, Xavier Roca-Maza, and Hiroyuki Sagawa. -
"Isospin symmetry breaking in the nuclear ground state"
VIth Topical Workshop on Modern Aspects in Nuclear Structure—The Many Facets of Nuclear Structure— (Bormio2023)
(2023-02-08, Sala Terme (Bormio, Lombardy, Italy))
, Gianluca Colò, Haozhao Liang, Xavier Roca-Maza, and Hiroyuki Sagawa. -
"Toward ab initio charge symmetry breaking in nuclear energy density functionals"
Symposium on "Developments of Physics of Unstable Nuclei (YKIS2022b)"
(2022-05-23, Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics, Kyoto University (Kyoto, Japan))
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"Effects of nucleon electric form factors to nuclear binding energy"
The 19th A3F-CNS Summer School
(2020-08-23, Online organized by Center for Nuclear Study, The University of Tokyo (Wako, Saitama, Japan))
, Gianluca Colò, Haozhao Liang, and Xavier Roca-Maza. -
"Coulomb Energy Density Functionals for Nuclear Systems"
Vth Topical Workshop on Modern Aspects in Nuclear Structure—The Many Facets of Nuclear Structure— (Bormio2020)
(2020-02-07, Sala Terme (Bormio, Lombardy, Italy))
, Xavier Roca-Maza, Gianluca Colò, and Haozhao Liang. -
"Development of relativistic density functional theory with finite-light-speed correction toward electronic structures of super-heavy elements"
4th International Symposium on Superheavy Elements (SHE2019)
(2019-12-03, The Prince Hakone Lake Ashinoko (Hakone, Kanagawa, Japan))
, Ryosuke Akashi, Haozhao Liang, and Shinji Tsuneyuki. -
"Electromagnetic Contribution to Nuclear Binding Energy and Its Future Applications"
International Molecule-type Workshop "Nuclear Fission Dynamics 2019"
(2019-11-01, Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics, Kyoto University (Kyoto, Japan))
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"Electromagnetic Contribution to Nuclear Binding Energy"
China-Japan Collaboration Workshop on "Nuclear Mass and Life for Unraveling Mysteries of R-process"
(2019-10-11, Institute of Theoretical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences (Beijing, China))
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"Development of relativistic density functional theory with finite-light-speed correction toward electronic structures of super-heavy elements"
The 18th International CNS Summer School
(2019-08-23, Center for Nuclear Study, The University of Tokyo (Bunkyo, Tokyo, Japan))
, Ryosuke Akashi, Haozhao Liang, and Shinji Tsuneyuki. -
"How to Improve Functionals in Density Functional Theory?"
International Nuclear Physics Conference 2019 (INPC2019)
(2019-07-30, Scottish Event Campus (Glasgow, UK))
, Daisuke Ohashi, and Haozhao Liang. -
"Coulomb Energy Density Functionals for Nuclear Systems"
Tsukuba-CCS workshop on "microscopic theories of nuclear structure and dynamics"
(2018-12-12, Center for Computational Science, University of Tsukuba (Tsukuba, Ibaraki, Japan))
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"Coulomb Energy Density Functionals for Nuclear Systems"
Recent Advances in Nuclear Structure Physics 2018
(2018-12-01, Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics, Kyoto University (Kyoto, Japan))
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"Coulomb Energy Density Functionals for Nuclear Systems"
5th Joint Meeting of the APS Division of Nuclear Physics and Physical Society of Japan
(2018-10-27, Hilton Hotel Waikoloa Villedge (Big Island of Hawaii, State of Hawaii, United States of America))
, Ryosuke Akashi, Gianluca Colò, Haozhao Liang, and Xavier Roca-Maza. -
"Coulomb Energy Density Functionals for Nuclear Systems"
The 17th International CNS Summetr School
(2018-08-23, Center for Nuclear Study, The University of Tokyo (Wako, Saitama, Japan))
, Ryosuke Akashi, Gianluca Colò, Haozhao Liang, and Xavier Roca-Maza. -
"Relativistic Density Functional Theory—Toward Fundamental Physics—"
RCNP Workshop on Fundamental Physics using Neutrons and Atoms
(2018-08-19, Research Center for Nuclear Physics, Osaka University (Ibaraki, Osaka, Japan))
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"Coulomb Energy Density Functionals for Nuclear Systems"
Recent Developments in Nuclear and Hadron Physics
(2018-05-26, School of Physics and Material Science, Anhui University (Hefei, Anhui, China))
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"Coulomb Energy Density Functionals for Nuclear Systems"
YITP School "Recent Progress of Nuclear Structure and Reaction Physics"
(2017-12-19, Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics, Kyoto University (Kyoto, Japan))
Domestic (Invited)
"What Is The Possible Heaviest \( N = Z \) Nuclei?"
Advancing physics at next RIBF (ADRIB25)
(2025-01-23, 理化学研究所 仁科加速器科学研究センター (埼玉県和光市))
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"Mirror skin and isospin symmetry breaking" (in Japanese)
Second workshop towards new skins in nuclear structure
(2024-11-14, Science Seminar House, Kyoto University (Kyoto, Japan, talked online))
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"Ultimate nuclear energy density functional using KISS"
RIBF mini-workshop "How can laser spectroscopy at KISS contribute valuable insights to nuclear models?"
(2024-05-16, RIKEN Nishina Center for Accelerator-Based Science (Wako, Saitama, Japan))
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"Phenomenological determination of nuclear equation of state: current status and future"
"(Symposium) Korea-Japan symposium on new generation RI beam facilities and nuclear processes in stellar explosions with neutron star"
Divisions of Experimental Nuclear Physics, Theoretical Nuclear Physics, and Cosmic Rays/Astrophysics
2024 Spring Meeting (Elementary Particle Physics, Nuclear Physics, and Cosmic Rays/Astrophysics)
The Physical Society of Japan
(2024-03-21, Online)
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"To Be Determined: Energy Density Functional and Equation of State"
Advancing physics at next RIBF (ADRIB24)
(2024-01-23, RIKEN Nishina Center for Accelerator-Based Science (Wako, Saitama, Japan))
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"Development of Calculation Code for Electron and Muon Wave Functions with Considering Nuclear Charge Distribution" (in Japanese)
Second Workshop on Grant-in-Aid for Transformative Research Areas (B) "Creation of diagnostic therapy using nuclear-multi-molecular interaction probes with entangled photon pairs"
(2023-02-16, Gakuyu Kaikan, Kyoto University (Kyoto, Japan, talked online))
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"Towards First-Principles Energy Density Functionals"
"Fundamentals in density functional theory"
(2022-12-15, Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics, Kyoto University (Kyoto, Japan))
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"Isospin symmetry breaking in nuclear ground state"
RIBF Users Meeting 2022
(2022-09-20, Online organized by RIKEN Nishina Center for Accelerator-Based Science (Wako, Saitama, Japan))
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"Development of Calculation Code for Muon Wave Function" (in Japanese)
RCNP Workshop "Muon X-ray γ-ray spectroscopy—New applications for non-destructive analysis, chemistry, and nuclear physics/Research on nuclear physics using muon capture reaction"
(2022-03-25, Research Center for Nuclear Physics, Osaka University (Ibaraki, Osaka, Japan, talked online))
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"Research on Neutron Stars using Nuclear Structure" (in Japanese)
—Observation and Theory of Neutron Star—Research Activation Workshop 2021
(2021-08-10, Online organized by RIKEN (Wako, Saitama, Japan))
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"Nucleon Form Factors and Nuclear Structure" (in Japanese)
ELPH Workshop C028 "Research of Nuclear Physics on Electron Scattering—Nuclear Charge Density and Proton and Neutron Distribution and Radii—"
(2021-03-19, Online organized by Research Center for Electron Photon Science, Tohoku University (Sendai, Miyagi, Japan))
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"Research for Atoms and Atomic Nuclei using Density Functional Theory" (in Japanese)
Workshop for Atomic and Nuclear Physics
(2021-02-25, Online organized by Astronomical Institute, Tohoku University (Sendai, Miyagi, Japan))
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"Electronic Structure of 3D Graphene—Understand using Tight-binding Model—" (in Japanese)
Physics and Mathematics of Graphene I
(2020-07-18, Online organized by Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Innovative Areas "Discrete Geometric Analysis for Materials Design")
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"Study of Super-heavy Elements As Quantum Many-body Problems" (in Japanese)
"(Symposium) Science of the 7th period elements: physics and chemistry of superheavy elements"
Divisions of Theoretical Nuclear Physics, Experimental Nuclear Physics, Cosmic Rays/Astrophysics, and Condensed Matter 1
2019 Autumn Meeting (Elementary Particle Physics, Nuclear Physics, and Cosmic Rays/Astrophysics)
The Physical Society of Japan
(2019-09-17, Kojirakawa Campus, Yamagata University (Yamagata, Japan))
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"Development of relativistic density functional theory with finite-light-speed correction toward electronic structures of super-heavy elements" (in Japanese)
Heavy-elements Nuclear Chemistry Workshop 2019
(2019-03-27, RIKEN Nishina Center, RIKEN (Wako, Saitama, Japan))
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"Development of relativistic density functional theory with finite-light-speed correction toward electronic structures of super-heavy elements" (in Japanese)
New Development of Superheavy Elements
(2018-07-30, Research Center for SuperHeavy Elements, Kyushu University (Fukuoka, Japan))
Domestic (Contributed)
"Multi-body wave function using deep neural network"
96th DFT meeting
(2021-02-22, Online organized by Tokyo Institute of Technology (Meguro, Tokyo, Japan))
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Naoyuki Itagaki,
"Persistence of cluster structure in the ground state of \( {}^{11} \mathrm{B} \) and its application" (in Japanese)
Division of Theoretical Nuclear Physics—Nuclear Forces, Few-body Systems, Cluster Structures, and Nuclear Reactions
2022 (77th) Annual Meeting
The Physical Society of Japan
(2022-03-15, Online)
, and Yuichi Hirata. -
"Isospin symmetry breaking in ground-state properties"
85th DFT meeting
(2022-01-25, Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, Hokkaido University (Sapporo, Hokkaido, Japan))
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"Second and Fourth Moments of Charge-density Distribution"
76th DFT meeting
(2021-02-22, Online organized by The University of Tokyo (Bunkyo, Tokyo, Japan))
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"\( r \)-process, quantum many-body problems, and an armchair plan" (in Japanese)
From Stellar Alchemy to Galactic Archeology
(2020-10-29, Online organized by National Astronomical Observatory of Japan (Mitaka, Tokyo, Japan))
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"Effects of nucleon electric form factors to nuclear binding energy" (in Japanese)
Divisions of Experimental and Theoretical Nuclear Physics—Unstable Nuclei 2
2020 Autumn Meeting (Elementary Particle Physics, Nuclear Physics, and Cosmic Rays/Astrophysics)
The Physical Society of Japan
(2020-09-15, Online)
, Gianluca Colò, Haozhao Liang, and Xavier Roca-Maza. -
"Introduction and Application of Density Functional Theory Toward Understanding Super-heavy Elements" (in Japanese)
58th Summer School for Nuclear Chemistry, Nuclear Chemistry Division, The Japan Society of Nuclear and Radiochemical Sciences
(2019-09-12, Yufutopia (Yufuin, Oita, Japan))
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"Coulomb Energy Density Functionals for Nuclear Systems"
The 5th workshop on many-body correlations in microscopic nuclear model (Sado2019)
(2019-09-06, Senkaku-So (Sado, Niigata, Japan))
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"Relativistic density functional theory with finite-light-speed correction" (in Japanese)
Division of Condensed Matter 11—Electronic Systems 1
2019 (74th) Annual Meeting
The Physical Society of Japan
(2019-03-15, Ito Campus, Kyushu University (Fukuoka, Japan))
, Ryosuke Akashi, Haozhao Liang, and Shinji Tsuneyuki. -
"Coulomb on the Desk" (in Japanese)
RIBF Roundtable on Young Physicists "Future of Exotic Nuclear Physics"
(2019-02-18, Integrated Innovation Building, RIKEN (Kobe, Hyogo, Japan))
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"Development of relativistic density functional theory with finite-light-speed correction toward electronic structures of super-heavy elements" (in Japanese)
Threshold Rule 50
(2018-10-04, Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics, Kyoto University (Kyoto, Japan))
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"Coulomb Energy Density Functionals for Nuclear Systems"
59th DFT meeting
(2018-03-03, Niigata University (Niigata, Japan))
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"ABC of EDF—Introduction and Future Works of Energy Density Functional Theory—"
56th DFT meeting
(2017-07-27, RIKEN Nishina Center, RIKEN (Wako, Saitama, Japan))
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"Study about Wigner Term in Atomic Mass Formulae by Using the Cluster Development Method"
52nd DFT meeting
(2017-01-23, RIKEN Nishina Center, RIKEN (Wako, Saitama, Japan))
"Towards First-Principles Energy Density Functionals"
ICCUB HadNucAtUB Seminar
(2024-11-20, Departament de Física Quàntica i Astrofísica & Institut de Ciències del Cosmos, Universitat de Barcelona (Barcelona, Catalunya, Spain))
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"Quantum multi-body problems using unsupervised machine learning"
ICCUB HadNucAtUB Seminar
(2024-07-17, Departament de Física Quàntica i Astrofísica & Institut de Ciències del Cosmos, Universitat de Barcelona (Barcelona, Catalunya, Spain))
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"Density distribution of \( \mathrm{Ca} \)" (in Japanese)
Hadron Seminar (Jido Lab. and Fujioka Lab.)
(2024-05-29, Department of Physics, Tokyo Institute of Technology (Meguro, Tokyo, Japan))
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"Understanding nuclear force using nuclear structure calculation and charge radii" (in Japanese)
Particle Beam Science Division Seminar
(2024-02-14, Advanced Research Center for Beam Science, Institute for Chemical Research, Kyoto University (Uji, Kyoto, Japan))
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"Isospin symmetry breaking in nuclear ground state—Phenomenological and QCD sum rule approach—"
High Energy Theory Group Seminar
(2023-12-15, High Energy Theory Group, Institute of Physics, Academia Sinica (Taipei, Taiwan))
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"A simple method of multi-body wave function using deep neural network" (in Japanese)
Sakemi Group Seminar
(2023-10-27, Center for Nuclear Study, The University of Tokyo (Wako, Saitama, Japan))
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"Low-Energy Nuclear Physics—from femtometer to kilometer—"
T30d Group Meeting
(2023-07-03, Physik-Department, Technische Universität München (Garching, Bayern, Germany))
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"Introduction to Density Functional Theory—Towards First-Principles Calculation of Adsorption—" (in Japanese)
Hatakeyama Group Seminar
(2023-05-15, Division of Advanced Applied Physics, Institute of Engineering, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology (Koganei, Tokyo, Japan))
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"Isospin symmetry breaking in the nuclear ground state"
Nuclear Many-body Seminar
(2022-12-23, Nuclear Theory Group, Department of Physics, Kyoto University (Kyoto, Japan))
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"Isospin symmetry breaking in nuclear ground state" (in Japanese)
Scientific Seminar, Shikoku Branch, Physical Society of Japan
(2022-11-22, Faculty of Science and Technology, Kochi University (Kochi, Japan))
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"Isospin symmetry breaking in nuclear ground state"
309th RIBF Nuclear Physics Seminar/RIKEN SNP Lab Seminar
(2022-06-22, Online organized by RIKEN Nishina Center for Accelerator-Based Science (Wako, Saitama, Japan))
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"Isospin symmetry breaking in nuclear ground state"
High Energy Theory Group Seminar
(2022-04-22, Online organized by High Energy Theory Group, Institute of Physics, Academia Sinica (Taipei, Taiwan))
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"Toward Ab Initio Energy Density Functional" (in Japanese)
Sakemi Group Seminar
(2021-07-16, Online organized by Center for Nuclear Study, The University of Tokyo (Wako, Saitama, Japan))
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"Do Condensed Matter Theory Dream of Nuclear Theory? —Crossover between Nuclear Theory and Condensed Matter Theory—" (in Japanese)
39th Online Condensed Matter Theory Seminar
(2021-02-22, Online organized by Saitama University (Saitama, Japan))
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"Introduction to Density Functional Theory" (in Japanese)
Sakemi Group Seminar
(2021-02-19, Online organized by Center for Nuclear Study, The University of Tokyo (Wako, Saitama, Japan))
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"Electronic Structure of 3D Graphene"
Kato Laboratory Seminar
(2021-01-26, Online organized by Nanoscale Quantum Photonics Laboratory, RIKEN Cluster for Pioneering Research, RIKEN (Wako, Saitama, Japan))
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"Introduction to Density Functional Theory" (in Japanese)
49th Nuclear Physics and Condensed Matter Physics Seminar
(2020-12-12, Online organized by Chiba Institute of Technology (Narashino, Saitama, Japan))
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"Electronic Structure of 3D Graphene"
Meson Science Laboratory Seminar
(2020-11-24, Online organized by Meson Science Laboratory, RIKEN Nishina Center, RIKEN (Wako, Saitama, Japan))
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"Are Atoms Spherical?" (in Japanese)
Sakemi Group Seminar
(2020-11-09, Online organized by Center for Nuclear Study, The University of Tokyo (Wako, Saitama, Japan))
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"Coulomb force and isospin symmetry breaking of nuclear force" (in Japanese)
Nuclear Many-body Seminar
(2020-11-06, Online organized by Nuclear Theory Group, Department of Physics, Kyoto University (Kyoto, Japan))
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"How Much Nucleon Form Factors Affect Nuclear Binding Energy?" (in Japanese)
Sakemi Group Seminar
(2020-06-26, Online organized by Center for Nuclear Study, The University of Tokyo (Wako, Saitama, Japan))
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"How to Improve Functionals in Density Functional Theory?"
Nuclear Theory Group Seminar
(2020-02-11, Department of Physics, University of Zagreb (Zagreb, Croatia))
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"Introduction and Application of Density Functional Theory Toward Understanding Super-heavy Elements" (in Japanese)
760th ASRC Seminar
(2019-06-19, Advanced Science Research Center, Sector of Nuclear Science Research, Japan Atomic Energy Agency (Tokai, Ibaraki, Japan))
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"Development of relativistic density functional theory with finite-light-speed correction toward electronic structures of super-heavy elements" (in Japanese)
Sendai Nuclear Science Colloquium
(2019-04-17, Department of Physics, Tohoku University (Sendai, Miyagi, Japan))
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"Density Functional Theory and Its Applications—Toward Super-heavy Elements—" (in Japanese)
(2019-02-21, Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Kindai University (Higashi-Osaka, Osaka, Japan))
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"Density Functional Theory with Electromagnetic Interaction" (in Japanese)
Nuclear Many-body Seminar
(2018-06-15, Nuclear Theory Group, Department of Physics, Kyoto University (Kyoto, Japan))
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"Density Functional Theory with Electromagnetic Interaction"
(2018-03-14, School of Physics, Peking University (Beijing, China))
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"Density Functional Theory with Electromagnetic Interaction"
(2018-03-12, Division 12, Department of Nuclear Physics, China Institute of Atomic Energy (Beijing, China))
"Isospin symmetry breaking energy density functional based on quantum chromodynamics"
Single-particle and collective motions from nuclear many-body correlation (PCM2025)
(2025-03-05, University of Aizu (Aizu-Wakamatsu, Fukushima, Japan))
, Gianluca Colò, Tetsuo Hatsuda, Xavier Roca-Maza, and Hiroyuki Sagawa. -
"A simple method of multi-body wave function using deep neural network"
International Conference on Machine Learning Physics
(2023-11-13, Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics, Kyoto University (Kyoto, Japan))
Hisashi Naito, and Koji Hashimoto. -
"Neural Polytopes"
1st Workshop on the Synergy of Scientific and Machine Learning Modeling (SynS & ML) at 40th International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML2023)
(2023-07-28, Honolulu Convention Center (Honolulu, State of Hawaii, United States of America))
and . -
"Ab initio construction of the energy density functional for electron systems with the functional-renormalization-group aided density functional theory based on calculation of three-dimensional homogeneous electron gas" (in Japanese)
Thermal Quantum Field Theory and Its Applications 2020
(2020-08-24, Online organized by Theory Center, Institute of Particle and Nuclear Studies, High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK) (Tsukuba, Ibaraki, Japan))
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"Coulomb Energy Density Functionals for Nuclear Systems"
International Nuclear Physics Conference 2019 (INPC2019)
(2019-07-30, Scottish Event Campus (Glasgow, UK))
, Ryosuke Akashi, Gianluca Colò, Haozhao Liang, and Xavier Roca-Maza. -
"Coulomb Energy Density Functionals for Nuclear Systems"
Nuclear Structure and Dynamics 2019 (NSD2019)
(2019-05-14, Centro Culturale Don Orione Artigianelli (Venice, Veneto, Italy))
, Ryosuke Akashi, Gianluca Colò, Haozhao Liang, and Xavier Roca-Maza. -
"Coulomb Energy Density Functionals for Nuclear Systems"
The International Summer workShop 2018 on First-Principles Electronic Structure Calculations: Advanced Lecture Series
(2018-07-11, Institute for Solid State Physics, The University of Tokyo (Kashiwa, Chiba, Japan))
, Ryosuke Akashi, Gianluca Colò, Haozhao Liang, and Xavier Roca-Maza.
"Variational quantum simulations for proton neutron systems in nuclear physics" (Poster)
Quantinuum Autumn 2024 training session
(2024-10-24, Koshiba Hall, The University of Tokyo (Bunkyo, Tokyo, Japan))
Takeshi Sato, Hiroki Katow, Sota Yoshida, Tomoya Naito, and Masaaki Kimura. -
"Electronic State Analysis of Solid Th Compound for Elucidating the Decay Mechanism of Th-229m" (Oral, in Japanese)
68th Meeting
The Japan Society of Nuclear and Radiochemical Sciences
(2024-09-23, GRANSHIP (Shizuoka, Japan))
Masashi Kaneko, Hiroyuki Kazama, Yuki Yasuda, So Hashiba, Yudai Shigekawa,
Tomoya Naito, Yuki Miyamoto, Koji Yoshimura, Atsushi Shinohara, Yoshitaka Kasamatsu. -
"Variational quantum simulation for the ground state of \( {}^6 \mathrm{Li} \) nucleus" (Oral, in Japanese)
Divisions of Theoretical Nuclear Physics—Nuclear Force and Few-body Systems
2024 (79th) Annual Meeting
The Physical Society of Japan
(2024-09-17, Sapporo Campus, Hokkaido University (Sapporo, Hokkaido, Japan))
Takeshi Sato, Hiroki Katow, Sota Yoshida, Tomoya Naito, and Masaaki Kimura. -
"Elucidation of the Decay Mechanism of \( {}^{229m} \mathrm{Th} \) using Rare Gas Matrix Isolation and Quantum Chemical Calculation" (Oral, in Japanese)
23th Symposium on Japan Mössbauer Spectroscopy Forum
(2024-04-26, Himeji Jibasan Building (Himeji, Hyogo, Japan))
Masashi Kaneko, Yuki Yasuda, So Hashiba, Yoshitaka Kasamatsu, Yudai Shigekawa,
Tomoya Naito, Yuki Miyamoto, Koji Yoshimura. -
"Quantum calculations for two-neutron systems in \( p \)-, \( sd \)-, and \( pf \)-shell" (Oral, in Japanese)
Divisions of Theoretical Nuclear Physics—Mean Field, Shell Model, and Medium-mass Nuclei
2024 Spring Meeting (Elementary Particle Physics, Nuclear Physics, and Cosmic Rays/Astrophysics)
The Physical Society of Japan
(2024-03-18, Online)
Takeshi Sato, Takumi Ogata, Tomoya Naito, and Masaaki Kimura. -
"Effects of two-particle two-hole configurations on particle emissions following muon capture"
6th Joint Meeting of the APS Division of Nuclear Physics and Physical Society of Japan
(2023-11-29, Hilton Hotel Waikoloa Villedge (Big Island of Hawaii, State of Hawaii, United States of America))
, Tomoya Naito, and Osamu Iwamoto. -
"Particle Emission Calculation Following Muon Capture Based on "Nuclear Structure Model" (in Japanese)
Workshop on Muon Soft Error
(2022-11-19, Chikushi Campus, Kyushu University (Onojo, Fukuoka, Japan))
, Tomoya Naito, and Osamu Iwamoto. -
"Particle Emission Following Muon Capture" (in Japanese)
Divisions of Theoretical Nuclear Physics—Shell Model and Mean Field
2022 Autumn Meeting (Elementary Particle Physics, Nuclear Physics, and Cosmic Rays/Astrophysics)
The Physical Society of Japan
(2022-09-07, Okayama University of Science (Okayama, Japan))
, Tomoya Naito, and Osamu Iwamoto. -
"Construction of correlation part of energy density functional for electron systems using functional renormalization group" (Oral, in Japanese)
Division of Condensed Matter 11—Electronic Systems 2
2021 (76th) Annual Meeting
The Physical Society of Japan
(2021-03-15, Online)
and Tomoya Naito. -
"Electronic properties of 3D graphene architecture" (Oral, in Japanese)
Divisions of Condensed Matter 4 and 7—Two-dimensional Systems (Experiment)
2021 (76th) Annual Meeting
The Physical Society of Japan
(2021-03-15, Online)
, Yoshikazu Ito, Katsuaki Sugawara, Mikito Koshino, Shojiro Kimura, Tomoya Naito, Isaac Johnson, Takashi Takahashi, and Mingwei Chen. -
"Construction of correlation energy density functional using functional-renormalization-group aided density functional theory" (Poster, in Japanese)
Workshop on Institute for Solid State Physics "Novel Developments on Computational Materials Science 2020"
(2020-12-21, Online organized by Institute for Solid State Physics, The University of Tokyo (Kashiwa, Chiba, Japan))
and Tomoya Naito. -
Tomoya Naito, Daisuke Ohashi, and
"Improvement of functionals in density functional theory by inverse Kohn-Sham method" (Oral)
Vth Topical Workshop on Modern Aspects in Nuclear Structure—The Many Facets of Nuclear Structure— (Bormio2020)
(2020-02-07, Sala Terme (Bormio, Lombardy, Italy))
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"Application of the functional-renormalization-group aided density functional theory to the two-dimensional homogeneous electron gas" (Poster)
4th International Symposium on Research and Education of Computational Science (RECS)
(2019-10-02, Koshiba Hall, The University of Tokyo (Bunkyo, Tokyo, Japan))
and Tomoya Naito. -
"Study on the cluster structure using the jj-coupling shell-model wave functions" (Oral, in Japanese)
Division of Theoretical Nuclear Physics—Light nuclei and neutron-rich nuclei
2019 Autumn Meeting (Elementary Particle Physics, Nuclear Physics, and Cosmic Rays/Astrophysics)
The Physical Society of Japan
(2019-09-20, Kojirakawa Campus, Yamagata University (Yamagata, Japan))
, Tomoya Naito, and Akihiro Tohsaki. -
"Effects of tensor force in covariant density functional theory" (Poster)
International Nuclear Physics Conference 2019 (INPC2019)
(2019-07-30, Scottish Event Campus (Glasgow, UK))
, Wen Hui Long, Jie Meng, Tomoya Naito, Peter Ring, Shihang Shen, Zhiheng Wang, Shuangquan Zhang, and Qiang Zhao. -
"Attempts to derive nuclear EDF directly from Functional Renormalization Group approaches" (Oral)
International Nuclear Physics Conference 2019 (INPC2019)
(2019-07-30, Scottish Event Campus (Glasgow, UK))
, Tetsuo Hatsuda, Tomoya Naito, Yifei Niu, and Hikaru Sakakibara. -
"Functional-renormalization-group aided density-functional calculation of the correlation energy of the two-dimensional electron gas" (Oral, in Japanese)
Division of Condensed Matter 11—Electronic Systems 1
2019 (74th) Annual Meeting
The Physical Society of Japan
(2019-03-15, Ito Campus, Kyushu University (Fukuoka, Japan))
and Tomoya Naito. -
"How to Improve Functionals in Density Functional Theory?" (Oral)
The 17th International CNS Summer School
(2018-08-23, Center for Nuclear Study, The University of Tokyo (Wako, Saitama, Japan))
, Tomoya Naito, and Haozhao Liang.
For General
"Study on Properties and Origin of Matters using Computers" (in Japanese)
iTHEMS x academist Online Event "World of Mathematical Sciences 2024"
(2024-04-21, Online organized by RIKEN Interdisciplinary Theoretical and Mathematical Sciences Program (Wako, Saitama, Japan))
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"What Is Physics?" (in Japanese)
EX Class Special Lecture (1)
(2018-08-11, Chikusa Campus, Kawai-Juku (Nagoya, Aichi, Japan))