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Function members


  • TArtCore()
  • ~TArtCore()
  • static void* Info(const char* cname, const char* fmt, ...)
  • static void Debug(const char* cname, const char* fmt, ...)
  • static void Error(const char* cname, const char* fmt, ...)
  • static void Warning(const char* cname, const char* fmt, ...)


Function Documents

  • Info(const char* cname, const char* fmt, ... )

Print message. fmt is format of message.
Format : " RIBFROOT-M : [cname] fmt \n"

  • Debug(const char* cname, const char* fmt, ... )

Print debug message. But the number of message will be too large to follow all of them.
Format : " RIBFROOT-Debug : [cname] fmt \n"

  • Error(const char* cname, const char* fmt, ... )

Print error message. The message will be red and the processing will stop for debugging.
Format : " RIBFROOT-Error : [cname] fmt \n"
Processing : [q]: abort, [n]: do not stop any more, others: continue >

  • Warning(const char* cname, const char* fmt, ... )

Print warning message.
Format : " RIBFROOT-Warn : [cname] fmt \n"

Last-modified: Sun, 28 Oct 2012 21:55:15 HADT (4350d)