1コマ目: 13:30〜15:00
2コマ目: 15:30〜17:00
2007年9月19日(水) 3コマ目: 10:30〜
会場: 仁科ホール、理研
The study of one-particle motion in the mean field is the basis for understanding the structure of many-body systems ; not only one-particle states but also collective modes and many-body correlations. In the case of nuclear system some examples of interesting mean fields are a basic one-nucleon potential, a potential for quasiparticles (pair correlation), a rotating potential (high-spin physics), etc. I begin with well-bound, weakly-bound, and resonant one-nucleon levels in spherical and deformed potentials, focusing attention mainly on deformation and neutron-drip-line nuclei.
1コマ目: 13:30〜15:00
2コマ目: 15:30〜17:00
会場: 仁科ホール、理研
In this second lectures, V.2, first, the effective one-particle operators with eeff(Eλ) and geff(Mλ) ofelectromagnetic transitions in the spherical case are reviewed. Then, the energies and electromagnetic moments in the laboratory system are examined, when the shape in the body-fixed system is deformed. The list of the contents : 6. Energy and electromagnetic observables of one-particle configurations 6.1. Spherical case -effective (E2, M1, E1) one-particle operators 6.2. From Y20 deformed intrinsic system to laboratory system 6.3. Energies with Y20 deformed intrinsic shape 6.4. Electromagnetic (M1, E2, E1) properties of the system with Y20 deformed intrinsic shape
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1コマ目: 13:30〜15:00
2コマ目: 15:30〜17:00
会場: 仁科ホール、理研 |
As an example of collective motion based on particle-hole excitations, a view of various kinds of so-called giant resonance (GR) is given. In contrast to low-lying collective modes (for example, 2+ and 3- collective states), the properties of GRs are insensitive to the one-particle shell-structure around the Fermi level.
We start with (model-independent) sum rules, the major part of which are often consumed by respective GRs. Then, both GRs as excitations within the same nuclei and charge-exchange GRs (excitations to the neighboring nuclei) are described, taking examples mostly from stable nuclei where experimental data are available. Finally, some characteristic features of charge-exchange GRs in nuclei far away from the beta-stability line are mentioned.
Since the degrees of freedom corresponding to giant resonances are often not included in calculable theoretical models (ex. shell model), the presence and the properties of GRs appear as a renormalization of one-particle operators to be used in such models.
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