RIKEN Natural Environment Home Page - English Edition Top
--- This is a Home Page of Nature-Friend Club of RIKEN. ---

*** Now open at the new URL of http://green-water.riken.go.jp/natural-e/natural-e-English/natural-EEtop.shtml***

Miniature Album of Trees and Shrubs Visible in RIKEN Wako Campus New!

An A4-size poster of this home page is released! A fine image for printing is here. (300DPI/A4)

To the Memory of Our "Yurinoki" (Liriodendron, or tulip tree)
which was unexpectedly cut down
on the 6th of March, 1999.


What's New?

Spring | Summer | Autumn | Winter

"Sakura" - Cherry -

Natural Pond | Care

Yurinoki and surroundings

Various Trees, Flowers and Animals

Sky and Weather

The Suburbs

This WWW home-page is created in collaboration with RIKEN Photo Club.

* * * The last figure of the Yurinoki * * * (detail)

| Japanese Top Page | Contributors |
| Submission of your photo | Administrated by hike@postman.riken.go.jp |