
Tue, 03 Jul 2018 21:08:10 HAST (2422d)



Here shows the information of superconducting dipole magnet for SAMURAI.


H. Sato et al., "Superconducting Dipole Magnet for SAMURAI Spectrometer", IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond. 23(2013)4500308.


Electro-magnetic parameters

typeH-type, superconducting
maximum current563 A
magnetomotive force1.922 MAT/coil
current density of coil66.74 A/mm^2
field at the pole center (median plane)3.08 T
BL integral at 3.08 T7.05 Tm
maximum magnetic field in a coil5.4 T
inductance396-150 H
stored energy27.4 MJ

Calculation Sheet (as a reference): file180704-SAMURAI_IvsB-upload.xlsx.tgz


Ramp speed & Excitation time

Current [A]Magnetic Field [T]Ramp speed [A/s]time_for_excitation.png

Geometry of the magnet (designed value)

pole shapecircularSAMURAI-yoke.png
pole gap880 mm (800 mm in vacuum chamber)
pole diameter2000 mm
pole height500 mm
yoke width6700 mm
yoke depth3500 mm
yoke height4640 mm
yoke weight566140 kg

Field map

  • Output conditions:
    • Area: (x,y,z)=(0, -400, 0)-(3000, 400, 3000) [mm]
    • Step: 10 mm
    • Unit in table files: position in [mm], magnetic field in [T]
    • x, y, z, Bx, By, Bz
    • Calculated by OPERA-3D/TOSCA with 1/4 3D-model
  • Definission of the coordinate axis (Click to see larger figures)

SAMURAI-axis_define1.png SAMURAI-axis_define2.png


Field map of the wider area

  • Output conditions:
    • Area: (x,y,z)=(0, -400, 0)-(6000, 400, 6000) [mm]
    • Step: 20 mm
    • Unit in table files: position in [mm], magnetic field in [T]
    • x, y, z, Bx, By, Bz
    • Calculated by OPERA-3D/TOSCA with 1/4 3D-model

Field map of the half area

  • Output conditions:
    • Area: (x,y,z)=(-5000, -400, -5000)-(0, 400, 6000) [mm]
    • Step: 20 mm
    • Unit in table files: position in [mm], magnetic field in [T]
    • x, y, z, Bx, By, Bz
    • Calculated by OPERA-3D/TOSCA with 1/4 3D-model



Fringe Fields

  • You can see the values of the fringe fields in the field map files linked above in detail. Here, the maps on ZX plane of the fringe fields are also linked. You can roughly know the fringe fields around the SAMURAI target area.
  • Click to see larger figures. B(0)=3.0T, 2.9T, 2.8T, 2.7T, 2.5T, 2.0T, 1.5T, 1.0T, 0.5T from left to right. The values of |B| are plotted in every 200 mm in Y direction.

120405-3T-fringefield.png 130605-2_9T-fringefield.png 130605-2_8T-fringefield.png 130605-2_7T-fringefield.png 120405-2_5T-fringefield.png 120405-2T-fringefield.png 120405-1_5T-fringefield.png 120405-1_0T-fringefield.png 120405-0_5T-fringefield.png