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Cannot access modules

VME boards have the base address. There are three difference access modes A32, A24 and A16.

Set AM code (cmdvme)

For example, to use A16 module (such as RPV130), AM code must be 0x29:

cmdvme -am 0x29 // A16
cmdvme -wr 0x8ffc

Out of address range

Some software (for example cmdvme) cannot use 0x8000 0000 or higher addresses. For the safety, module's base address should be 0x0000 0000 to 0x7FFF F000.

DAQ (babirl)

Can start but cannot stop

There some possible reasons, please check

Before DAQ start

  • From babicon
    EBHOST> getesconfig EFN
    (EBHOST is the hostname running babild) If "erhost" is wrong, please change
    EBHOST> setesconfig EFN host EBHOST
    With normal linux mode (babies -l), if "isdrv" is '0', it means the readout driver(babildrv) is wrong. Please modify babildrv or modify the path,
    EBHOST> setesconfig EFN rtdrv /PATH_of_the_babildrv

After DAQ start

  • On front-end computer
    $ ps ax | grep babies
    If you can't find babies, babies is killed at the DAQ start. With normal linux mode (babies -l), in this case, probably babildrv has some errors. Please try to install by your hand,
    /sbin/insmod babildrv.ko
    If you can find the 'babildrv' by /sbin/lsmod, it is OK. If not, please check kernel message by dmesg.


Cannot see on-line data

Problem in shared memory

This is a known problem. If babian (which is an analysis buffer) is restarted during user on-line program (such as ANAPAW) is running, the association between babian and user on-line program will be broken.

To check shared memory is OK or not, please type the 'ipcs' command:

------ Shared Memory Segments --------
key        shmid      owner      perms      bytes      nattch     status      
0x00088f68 32768      root       777        524292     1                       
0x00088f6a 65537      root       777        524292     1                       
0x00088f6c 98306      root       777        524292     1                       
0x00088f6e 131075     root       777        524292     1                       
0x00088f70 163844     root       777        524292     1                       
0x00088f72 196613     root       777        524292     1                       

------ Semaphore Arrays --------
key        semid      owner      perms      nsems     
0x00088f69 163844     root       666        1         
0x00088f6b 196613     root       666        1         
0x00088f6d 229382     root       666        1         
0x00088f6f 262151     root       666        1         
0x00088f71 294920     root       666        1         
0x00088f73 327689     root       666        1         

------ Message Queues --------
key        msqid      owner      perms      used-bytes   messages    

The keys in Shared Memory

0x00088f68, 0x00088f6a, 0x00088f6c, 0x00088f6e, 0x00088f70, 0x00088f72

and keys in Semaphore

0x00088f69, 0x00088f6b, 0x00088f6d, 0x00088f6f, 0x00088f71, 0x00088f73

are babian's shared memory and semaphore. Owner and perms have to be 'root' and '666', respectively.

For example, if you find the duplication of keys or owner is not 'root', the association between babian and online programs is broken.

To recover this problem, you need to delete all shared memory and semaphore.

  1. Kill babian and all other online programs (such as ANAPAW)
  2. Delete all shared memory and semaphore
Last-modified: Thu, 14 May 2015 23:10:08 HADT (3274d)