連続講義シリーズ コースVII

"Nuclear Astrophysics"

講師:Prof. Karlheinz Langanke 氏 (GSI)


Date:Nov. 17 (Mon)-18(Tue)
13:30-15:00, 15:30-17:00  
Place : Nishina Hall, RIKEN

The lectures on Nuclear Astrophysics will focus on the nuclear physics
aspect of the origin of the elements in the Universe
and of the variousstellar objects which contribute. There will be four lectures.

Lecture 1 focusses on nuclear fusion reactions at the low
astrophysical energies and on hydrostatic stellar burning. Special
emphasis is given to solar hydrogen burning and solar neutrinos.

Lecture 2 discusses the fate of massive stars as core-collapse
supernovae. The role played by weak-interaction processes
like electron capture and neutrino reactions on nuclei
is stressed as is explosive nucleosynthesis.

Lecture 3 deals with the production of elements heavier
than iron by the slow and rapid neutron capture processes.
In particularthe nuclear needs to model r-process nucleosynthesis will be discussed.

Lecture 4 focusses on explosive events in binary systems.
Besides a briefdiscussion of thermonuclear (type Ia) supernovae,
the lecture talks aboutexplosive hydrogen burning important for novae and x-ray bursters


Lecture 1

Lecture 2

Lecture 3

Lecture 4


Lecture Top page にもどる


 ☆ 講義前後の内容への質問・お問い合わせは
     セミナー委員会 連続講義事務局まで。