Experiments at HIMAC
- test experiment(May 2000)
T. Kobayashi et al.
- test of a H type dipole magnet (Jul. 2000)
T. Kobayashi, H.Otsu et al.
- (p,2p) reaction of 11Be (Nov. 2000)
T. Okuda, T. Koabashi et al.
- test of the SB2 beam line (Apr. 2001)
T. Koabashi et al., test of ion optics parameters and Monte Carlo simulations of MOCADI. (The simulations reproduced experimental result in some percent.)
- (p,2p) reaction of 11Be and 10Be (Jul. 2001)
K. Watanabe, T. Koabashi et al., analysis(?)
- (p,2p) reaction of 13C and 14C (Nov. 2001)
K. Ozeki, T. Koabashi et al.