Title: P-wave superfluid in neutron star matter at low and high densities
Date: Apr 15, 2024
Time: 10:30 - 11:30
Speaker: Prof. Hiroyuki Tajima
Affiliation: The University of Tokyo
Abstract: A neutron star has been regarded as a testing ground for many-body physics of dense nuclear matter. Under the extremely dense environment, nucleons may undergo the superfluid phase transition with attractive nuclear forces. $^1S_0$ superfluid in the low-density regime and $^3P_2$ superfluid in the high-density regime have been studied extensively, based on the properties of the nucleon-nucleon interaction. In this talk, we address two questions: 1. Are there any possibilities for P-wave superfluidity in the low-density regime? 2. How does the P-wave neutron superfluid undergo the transition to quark one in the high-density regime? For the former question, we explore a possible appearance of $^3P_0$ superfluid in dilute spin-polarized neutron matter which was overlooked in the literature. For the latter question, we discuss a possible continuity between nucleon and quark P-wave pairings in terms of a condensed-matter analog.