Title: Exotic hadrons with charm and bottom flavors: X, Y, Z, Pc, Tcc and hadron interaction
Date: Jul 6, 2023
Time: 15:00 - 16:00
Speaker: Dr. Shigehiro Yasui
Affiliation: Hiroshima U.
Abstract: Researches of exotic hadrons have been conducted for a long time since the discovery of quarks by Gell-Mann and Zweig. Recently, there have been many experimental reports on candidates for exotic hadrons with charm and bottom flavors since the discovery of X(3872). Exotic hadrons, whose internal structures are different from normal hadrons, ask us important questions about QCD. What kinds of hadrons should exist? What is the hadron dynamics? What is quark confinement? Those questions may be resolved by studying the properties of exotic hadrons, such as productions, mass spectroscopy and decays. My presentation is divided into two parts. In the former part, I introduce the basics of X, Y, Z, Pc (charm pentaquark), Tcc (double-charm tetraquark), and so on, and review recent experimental and theoretical progress on the study of them. In the latter part, I focus on the recent study with my collaborators for the hadron interaction between a heavy flavored hadron (anti-D meson and B meson) and a nucleon with respecting chiral symmetry and heavy-quark spin symmetry, and discuss the possible extension from exotic hadrons to heavy flavored nuclei as quark many-body systems. I welcome questions and comments from people who are not so familiar with exotic hadrons.