Title: Soft light-cone observables from electrostatic QCD
Date: Jul 11, 2022
Time: 15:00 - 16:00
Speaker: Dr. Philipp Schicho
Affiliation: Helsinki U
Abstract: Dimensionally reduced effective theories (EFT) have been very successful for studying the thermodynamics of non-Ablian gauge theories. The dimensionally reduced, long distance, effective theories for thermal QCD are electrostatic (“EQCD”) and magnetostatic QCD (“MQCD”). After discussing the latest limits of the EFT construction, I will focus on recent advancements to understand jet modification using non-perturbative input from EQCD.
Jet-medium interactions in the Quark-Gluon Plasma can receive large non-perturbative infrared contributions. These contributions affect transverse jet momentum broadening and jet quenching. Both are influenced by the modified in-medium dispersion of jets encoded in their asymptotic mass. An IR-safe computation of the latter requires subtracting the unphysical UV limit of EQCD, and supplying the correct UV limit obtained from Minkowski-time QCD. We perform the first step of this procedure in calculating the necessary operators in EQCD both analytically and on the lattice. We find compelling agreement of the two methods in the ultraviolet regime.