Title: Semiclassical description of confinement via center vortices and anomaly-preserving $T^2$ compactifications
Date: Mar 7, 2022
Time: 14:00 - 15:00
Speaker: Prof. Yuya Tanizaki
Affiliation: YITP
Abstract: Confinement of 4d gauge theories is usually the strong-coupling problem, and we would like to develop its semiclassical understanding based on the idea of volume independence, or adiabatic continuity. We conjecture that the strong-coupling regime of many 4d gauge theories is continuously connected to the weak-coupling theories on $\mathbb{R}^2\times T^2$ on small $T^2$ with the nontrivial ‘t Hooft flux. We explicitly confirm the fractional theta periodicity for pure YM and chiral Lagrangian for QCD can be derived in this small $T^2$ regime. We also uncover why this is possible in view of anomaly-preservation of this compactification.