Title: Magneto-vortical effect in strong magnetic field
Date: Apr 13, 2021
Time: 14:00 - 15:00
Speaker: Prof. Shu Lin
Affiliation: Sun Yat-Sen University
Abstract: We study the response of magnetized chiral plasma to
transverse electric field and a steady vorticity. By solving chiral
kinetic equation in the lowest Landau level approximation, we find the
resulting current and stress tensor can be matched consistently with
constitutive equations of magnetohydrostatics after we identify a vacuum
shift in the case with vorticity. The solution in this case contains
both shifts in temperature and chemical potential as well as excitations
of the lowest Landau level states. It gives rise to an vector charge
density and axial current density. The vacuum parts coming from both
shifts and excitations agree with previous studies and the medium parts
coming entirely from excitations leads to a new contribution to vector
charge and axial current density, which is consistent with standard
chiral vortical effect.