Title: Spin Hydrodynamics and Symmetric Energy-Momentum Tensors
Date: Nov 17, 2020
Time: 14:00 - 15:00
Speaker: Prof. Shi Pu
Affiliation: University of Science and Technology of China, China
Abstract: We discuss a puzzle in relativistic spin hydrodynamics; in the previous formulation the spin source from the antisymmetric part of the canonical energy-momentum tensor (EMT) is crucial. The Belinfante improved EMT is pseudo-gauge transformed from the canonical EMT and is usually a physically sensible choice especially when gauge fields are coupled as in magnetohydrodynamics, but the Belinfante EMT has no antisymmetric part. We find that pseudo-transformed entropy currents are physically inequivalent in nonequilibrium situations. We also identify a current induced by the spin vorticity read from the Belinfante symmetric EMT.