Title: Deconfinement and CP-breaking at θ=π in a softly-broken N=1 SYM
Date: Jul 27, 2020
Time: 13:30 - 14:30
Speaker: Mr. Shi Chen
Affiliation: University of Tokyo
Abstract: At θ=π in pure Yang-Mills theories, the CP-symmetry is spontaneously broken in the confined phase, justified by an 't Hooft anomaly between center symmetry and CP-symmetry. In this talk, we want to see when the deconfinement phase transition occurs, whether CP-symmetry is restored at the same time. We deform the pure Yang-Mills theory to a softly-broken N=1 Super Yang-Mills theory (SYM). In this softly-broken SYM, both deconfinement and CP-restoration can occur in the weakly-coupled region where reliable evaluations can be made. We will show that for gauge groups other than SU(2), these two transitions occur synchronously. For SU(2), the CP-restoration occurs strictly later than the deconfinement, and a CP-breaking deconfined phase appears between the two transitions.