Title | Conference Place or Article Title |
KEK 評議会資料 | KEK IPNS Review Committee, June 2002, KEK, Tsukuba, Japan | NA | doc | NA |
KEK レポート 2002 資料 | KEK report 2002 | NA | ||
Experiment at RHIC, the First Spin Collider | RBRC/CCAST Symposium on Spin Physics, Lattice QCD adn RHIC Physics, April 7, 2003, at CCAST, Beijing, China | ppt | NA | NA |
名古屋大学特別講義 | Nagoya University, Feburuary 26-28, 2003, Nagoya, Japan | NA | NA | NA |
立教大学特別講義 | Rikkyo University, December 17-19, Ikebukuro, Japan | NA | NA | NA |
世界初の偏極衝突型加速器の誕生 | Parity Vol. 17, No.11, 49p-53p Nov, 2002 | NA | NA | L |
Nuclear media effects on production and decay of vector meson studied in 12 GeV p+A interaction | YITP-RCNP Workshop, Chiral Restoration in Nuclear Medium, October 7-9, 2002 | ppt | ||
Physics with Spin Collider | PaNic02, 30-Sep to 03-Oct, 2002, Osaka,Japan | ppt | pdf
ps |
- Brookhaven is not a heaven ? - |
文部科学時報2002年7月号 | NA | doc | L |
ひねり技で探る極微の世界 | 理化学研究所一般公開講演, April 20, 2002, Wako, Japan | ppt | NA | NA |
RHICが拓く新天地:クォークとグルーオンが紡ぎだす未知の世界 | Parity Vol. 17, No.1, Jan, 2002 | NA | doc
L |
- PS-E325実験奮戦記 - |
High Energy News, Vol.20, Number 5, Jan/Feb/March, 2002 | NA | doc
L |
Measurements of in-medium decay of vector mesons at KEK-PS | Hawaii 2001, First Joint Meeting of the Nuclear Physics of APS and JPS, October 17-20, 2001, Wailea, Maui, Hawaii | ppt | NA | NA |
The 4th Italy-Japan Symposium on Heavy Ion Physics, 26-30, September 2001, RIKEN, | ppt | pdf,
doc |
ベクトル中間子で探る強い相互作用のもたらす質量の謎 - 失われた対称性を追って - | Seminar at Tokyo Institute of Technology, 31st May 2001 | ppt | NA | NA |
Title | Conference Place or Article Title | slides | pre
Measurements of in-medium decay of vector meson | Symposium talk given at JPS meeting, March 2001, Tama | ppt | NA | NA |
原子核物理学の新世紀、RHIC、JHF、そして理研へ | 2000年度、京都大学物理学第二教室教室発表会、March 2001 | ppt | doc | Y |
Polarized pA Physics at RHIC | Talk at RHIC pA workshop, October 28-29, 2000, BNL | ppt | NA | NA |
Study of Chiral Property of Dense Nuclear Matter through Measurements of Meson Mass Modification in Medium | Article submitted for the KEK-PS review committee, December, 2000 | NA | ps | Y |
Nuclear Matter Probed with Phi Meson - exploring the lost symmetry - | Lecture at 10th RIKEN Winter School on Nuclear Physics with Electromagnetic Probes at RIKEN RI-Beam Factory - Unstable Nuclei and Hadrons -, Hotel Blanc, HigashiNaruse-mura, Akita, Japan January 9-14, 2000 | ppt | NA | NA |
The PHENIX experiment for the first spin collider RHIC | Invited talk at the Circum-Pan-Pacific RIKEN Symposium on "High Energy Spin Physics" November 3-6, 1999, RIKEN, Wako, Japan | ppt | ps | Y |
Final Countdown to RHIC Spin Program | RIKEN Accelerator Progress Report 1999 | ps | Y | |
Nuclear Production of Phi Meson at KEK | Invited talk at the 2nd KEK-Tanashi International Symposium on "Hadron and Nuclear Physics with Electromagnetic Probes" (Oct. 25 - 27, 1999), KEK-Tanashi, Tokyo, Japan | ps | ps | Y |
Phi production at KEK (Meson Modification in Nuclear Media & QCD Chiral Symmetry Restoration) | Workshop on "Di-lepton Experiments at 50-GeV PS", Oct. 29-30, 1999, KEK, Tsukuba. | NA | ps | Y |
Study of Chiral Property of Nuclear Matter through the Measurements of phi Meson Decays | Invited talk at the KEK-Tanashi International Symposium on "Physics of Hadrons and Nuclei", 14-17 December 1998, Sanjo Conference Hall, University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan | ps | ps | Y |
Lepton pair production at JHF | International Workshop on JHF Science (JHF98), March 4-7, 1998, High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK), Tsukuba, Japan | ps | ps | Y |
Experiment E325 (Measurements of $\phi$ Meson Decays in Nuclear Matter) | KEK Annual Report (1997) | NA | ps | Y |