Nguyen Dinh Dang



Message to the Ge-en Complete Art Memory Project






Art is one of the best ways of communication between human beings. It overcomes even the language barrier because it is supposed to touch people’s heart without the need of using any word. Each country and each nation have their own culture, tradition, and root. Understanding the culture of each other helps us to better understand each other in order to pursuit a long-lasting peaceful coexistence. Once people of a country, no matter it is a big power or a developing one, learned how to appreciate literature, arts, music not only of their own country but also of other countries, it is likely that they will be hesitating to recourse to such a shameful way of communication as repression and war to resolve conflicts or impose their influence. They might not allow themselves or order others to kill people or destroy culture of their own country or of other country. This is how beauty and art would save the world.


The philosophy of Hear Art Communication (H.A.C.) obviously starts from this. I share the idea of the project, in which H.A.C shows the artworks by Japanese artists to people in other countries, and introduces the creation by foreign artists to Japanese public. The joint participation of artists from different countries in one exhibition will also help to improve mutual understanding and to enrich artistic imagination. As a result new ideas, new ways of thinking may be born. I would like to congratulate H.A.C for such a noble project, which I wish to become a great success.






Tokyo, October 25, 2006