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Memo in building cernlib on SL7(CentOS7) with cernlib-2006-35.el6.src.rpm

(geant321 has problem)

1. Assuinig OS is SL7 (or CentOS7)

# cat /etc/redhat-release 
Scientific Linux release 7.9 (Nitrogen)

2. Wget cernlib-2006-35.el6.src.rpm and try rpmbuild

# mkdir rpm; cd rpm
# wget
# rpmbuild --rebuild  cernlib-2006-35.el6.src.rpm

will result

error: Failed build dependencies:
        lapack-devel is needed by cernlib-2006-35.el7.x86_64
        blas-devel is needed by cernlib-2006-35.el7.x86_64
        imake is needed by cernlib-2006-35.el7.x86_64
        xbae-devel is needed by cernlib-2006-35.el7.x86_64

3. Install needed dependencies

# yum install epel-release
# yum install lapack-devel blas-devel imake xbae-devel

Then try rpmbuild

# rpmbuild --rebuild  cernlib-2006-35.el6.src.rpm

Afte 25 minutes, process exam1 entered infinit loop! at the test of (G E A N T Version 3.2114, RUN 1)

Abort rpmbuild by CTRL-C .

4. Enter into the SPEC Directory (cd ../rpmbuild/SPECS) and edit/modify cernlib.spec file to remove geant321 from test_dirs

# diff cernlib.spec
< #test_dirs='graflib mclibs kernlib mathlib packlib phtools geant321'
< test_dirs='graflib mclibs kernlib mathlib packlib phtools'
> test_dirs='graflib mclibs kernlib mathlib packlib phtools geant321'

5. rpmbuild again with the corrected spec. file

#rpmbuild -bc cernlib.spec