Wed, 17 Apr 2024 15:46:57 HAST (207d)
Here shows the information of dedicated charged particle detectors for SAMURAI experiment.
T. Kobayashi et al., "SAMURAI spectrometer for RI beam experiments", NIMB 317(2013)294-304.
- Position measurement
- Beam Proportional Chamber (BPC): beam rigidity tagging at F5
- Beam Drift Chamber 1, 2 (BDC1,BDC2) : beam phase space Detector-BDC.pdf
- Forward Drift Chamber 1 (FDC1) : scattering angle of fragments Detector-FDC1.pdf
- Forward Drift Chamber 2 (FDC2) : rigidity analysis for fragments Detector-FDC2.pdf
- Proton Drift Chamber 1,2 (PDC1,2) : momentum analysis for protons Detector-PDC.pdf
- Note on DC analysis : DC_information.pdf
- Wire number 97 of FDC2 V2 prime is disconnected as of Apr. 2024.
- Charge measurement
- Ion Chamber for Beam (ICB) : beam charge Detector-ICB.pdf
- Ion Chamber for Fragments (ICF) : fragment charge Detector-ICF.pdf
- Velocity (& charge) measurement
- Hodoscope for Fragment (HODF) : velocity & charge for fragments Detector-HOD.pdf
Now the wide coverage Hodoscope with 24 scintillators is available. 1.5 times wider than before. - Hodoscope for Protons (HODP) : velocity & charge for protons Detector-HOD.pdf
- Total Internal Reflection Cherenkov (TIRC) : velocity for fragments Detector-TIRC.pdf
- Hodoscope for Fragment (HODF) : velocity & charge for fragments Detector-HOD.pdf
- Total energy measurement
- Total Energy Detector (TED) : total energy Detector-TED.pdf
Detailed information of detectors in Tohoku Univ. (partially in Japanese)
Attach file: DC_information.pdf 1200 download [Information] 130723-detectors.png 1745 download [Information] Detector-TIRC.pdf 1262 download [Information] Detector-TED.pdf 1387 download [Information] Detector-PDC.pdf 1612 download [Information] Detector-ICF.pdf 1366 download [Information] Detector-ICB.pdf 1393 download [Information] Detector-HOD.pdf 1783 download [Information] Detector-FDC2.pdf 1856 download [Information] Detector-FDC1.pdf 1659 download [Information] Detector-BDC.pdf 2064 download [Information]