

Bylaws 9/10/2013

The objective of SAMURAI collaboration is to promote scientific activities with SAMURAI spectrometer. SAMURAI collaboration seeks to accomplish its objectives by
i) formulating short and long range research plans.
ii) providing opportunities for mutual communication among collaboration members.
iii) providing mutual support for experiments by members of the collaboration
iv) having collaboration meetings to discuss scientific programs.
v) handling other issues related to SAMURAI collaboration.

Those who are interested in experiments at SAMURAI are eligible to be a member of SAMURAI collaboration. One can join SAMURAI collaboration by sending an email to a contact address (samurai-contact "at"

A spokesperson represents SAMURAI collaboration. He/she leads the organization of research activities with SAMURAI spectrometer and associated detectors. If deemed necessary, the spokesperson and the steering board may appoint the deputy spokesperson(s). The spokesperson is elected by the steering board. The term is 4 years. He/She can be reelected. If the spokesperson resigns, a new spokesperson will be elected.

Steering Board
The steering board is organized to deal with issues related to SAMURAI collaboration. The steering board is chaired by the spokesperson and should represent the various interests of collaboration.

Tasks of the steering board are the following:
To establish the scientific directions and priorities based on discussions among the collaboration members.
To coordinate human and budgetary resources to make the best use of the SAMURAI setup.
To organize regular collaboration meetings
To elect the spokesperson, and appoint deputy spokesperson(s) when needed.

The term of the steering board member is 4 years. The terms of the half of the board members expire every 2 years. The board in consultation with the collaboration determines replacements and new members of the board. If the spokesperson and/or the board considers that somebody is necessary in the board, new board member(s) can be appointed.

Technical manager
One of the SAMURAI collaboration members plays a role of a technical manager. He/she oversees the coordination of the technical aspects of SAMURAI, and can provide advice regarding technical feasibilities. He/She must be consulted before any changes are made to SAMURAI equipment. He/She will liaise with the person in charge of the equipment in question.

Experiment at SAMURAI
Those who plan to submit an experimental proposal with SAMURAI are strongly encouraged to be a member of SAMURAI collaboration. They are requested to show their intent to SAMURAI collaboration or/and the steering board well in advance of the deadline of the submission to the PAC.

Changing the ByLaws
ByLaws can be changed according to the discussion in the board, and should be approved bythe collaboration.