--------------- RIBF Cluster application --------------- 1. Data of the submission (e.g. 2010-04-01) : 2. Name : 3. E-mail address : 4. Affiliation : 5. Affiliating Laboratory/Team in RIKEN : (If you are in RIKEN) 6. Position in RIKEN : (If you are in RIKEN) 7. Phone number in RIKEN : (If you have) 8. ID number in RIKEN : (If you have) 9. Prefer user name (default=family name) : (If you want) If your affiliation is not RIKEN 10. Contact person in RIKEN : 11. Position in your office : 12. Address of your office : 13. Phone number of your office : Additional working directory for data analysis on RIBF Cluster 16. Do you analyze data on RIBF Cluster : Yes/No 17. User name on RIBF Cluster : (If you already have) 18. Proposal Number (e.g. RIBF-020) : 19. Request size of work directory : (default = 100GB) Followings are administrator's space. Please don't fill. 51. login name : 52. UID : 53. Group ID : 54. Initial passwd : 55. Registration date : 56. Register name : 57. Working directory : 58. Working Quota : ---------------------------------------------------------