RIKEN Nuclear Physics Seminar
Lecturer: Dr. Nicolae Sandulescu 
	(Institute for Physics and Nuclear Engineering, Bucharest, Romania
	 RCNP, Osaka University)

Title:  Pairing Correlations and Continuum Effects in Drip Line Nuclei 

Date:    26th Nov. 2001 (Mon.) 15:00 -

Place:  RIKEN Main Bldg. 1F Seminar Room

   The exotic unstable nuclei offer a window into possible new aspects 
   of pairing  correlations in loosely-bound nuclear systems. Thus in 
   drip-line nuclei the Cooper pairs that reflect pairing correlations
   include important components with pairs in continuum single-particle 
   states, a feature that is not present in stable well-bound nuclei.
   In my seminar I will show how the pairing correlations and continuum
   coupling can be treated consistently within HFB and HF-BCS approach.
   The effects of the continuum coupling upon pairing correlations will 
   be discussed for the particular case of neutron-rich isotopes of Nickel
   and Oxygen.

Host researcher : T. Otsuka (Univ. of Tokyo, RIKEN)
        Contact persons of Nuclear Physics Seminar
        Y. Fukuyama, Y. Nishi, and T. Wakui (RI Beam Science Lab.)
        (email) seminar@rarfaxp.riken.go.jp 
	(FAX)   048-462-4689
        (WWW)   http://rarfaxp.riken.go.jp/~seminar/    