RIKEN Nuclear Physics Seminar
Lecturer: Alexander Volya
		(Michigan State Univeristy, USA)

Title:  Towards better understanging of nuclear pairing and its interplay
	with other residual interactions.

Date:   11/13/2001 (Tue.) 15:00 -

Place:  RIKEN Main Bldg. 3F Seminar Room

                           The seminar will be given in English.

Nuclear pairing plays a major role in determining the state of a
nuclear many-body system. The standard BCS approach in application
to finite nuclei suffers from serious shortcomings.
I present an exact treatment of pairing (EP algorithm) which is
free of those problems and enables one to study the ground
state properties of nuclear systems, fluctuating  pair vibrations and
chaotic effects of other residual interactions. With the use of the
exact EP treatment, new approaches to the whole many-body
problem are suggested (EP+ monopole interaction and Hartree-Fock + EP).
With these methods we investigate Sn isotopes looking at the
properties of low-lying states and  effects of nucleon-nucleon
residual interactions and comparing the results with experimental data.
Using a simple model I also present a study of the interplay between
pairing and other residual interactions.
        Contact persons of Nuclear Physics Seminar
        Y. Fukuyama, Y. Nishi, and T. Wakui (RI Beam Science Lab.)
        (email) seminar@rarfaxp.riken.go.jp 
	(FAX)   048-462-4689
        (WWW)   http://rarfaxp.riken.go.jp/~seminar/    