The 6th RIKEN - CNS Nuclear Physics Colloquium
Lecturer :  Prof. P. Ring (Technische Universitaet Muenchen, Germany)
Title    :  Relativistic Mean Field Description 
                 of Exotic Nuclear Structure
                               * The talk will be given in English.

Date     :  February 14 (Thu.), 2002, 16:30 -
Place    :  Nishina Hall, Nishina Memorial Bldg. 2F., RIKEN (Wako)

Abstract : 
Models based on the relativistic mean-field approximation provide a
microscopically consistent, and yet simple and economical description 
of the nuclear many-body problem. 

Applications of the relativistic Hartree-Bogoliubov model are
discussed in studies of structure phenomena far from the line
of stability that include: the strong isospin dependence of the 
effective spin-orbit interaction and the resulting modification 
of surface properties, the suppression of the spherical shell gaps 
for neutron-rich nuclei and the related phenomenon of deformation 
and shape coexistence. 

The relativistic random phase approximation is used in the 
analysis of the dynamics of collective excitations with various spin 
and isospin, such as isoscalar dipole and compression modes. In
nuclei with large neutron-excess new low-lying modes of isovector dipole
character (pygmy resonances) are predicted. 

   >>> Some refreshments will be available in front of the hall. <<<
   >>>       You can discuss physics over them from 16:00.       <<<
        Contact persons of Nuclear Physics Colloquium
           A. Kohama and T. Otsuka 
	(Tel)    048-462-1111 ext.3183