Lecturer: Prof. Aurel Bulgac (University of Washington, USA)

Title:  Local Density Approximation for Systems
	with Pairing Correlations

Date:   10/24/2001 (Wed.) 15:00 -

Place:  RIKEN Main Bldg. 1F Seminar Room

                           The seminar will be given in English.

I shall introduce a natural and simple to implement renormalization
scheme of the Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov (HFB) equations for the case of
zero range pairing interaction. This renormalization scheme proves to be
equivalent to a simple energy cut-off with a position dependent running
coupling constant, which qualitatively emulates a density dependent zero
range pairing interaction suggested by phenomenological analyses.
I shall describe also fully self--consistent HFB calculations with a
full consideration of the continuum of long chains of spherical nuclei
(essentially from one drip line to another) using the SLy interaction.
where we used a zero range pairing interaction, which for the first time
was treated without an arbitrary cutoff, using the new regularization
procedure recently developed by us. In the end I shall formulate a local
density approximation for fermion systems with pairing correlations
based on a rapidly converging renormalization scheme for  the pairing
gap in the case of zero range pairing interaction.
        Contact persons of Nuclear Physics Seminar
        Y. Fukuyama, Y. Nishi, and T. Wakui (RI Beam Science Lab.)
        (email) seminar@rarfaxp.riken.go.jp 
	(FAX)   048-462-4689
        (WWW)   http://rarfaxp.riken.go.jp/~seminar/    