連続講義シリーズ コースY 

"Physics with Slow-/Trapped-RI Beams
-- Methods, Current Researches, and Perspectives--"

講師:Prof. Juha Aysto (University of Jyvaskyla)


Date : Feb. 20(Wed)-21(Thu),

13:00-14:30 Lecture 1
15:00-17:00 Lecture 2

9:30-11:00 Lecture 3

Place : Nishina Hall, RIKEN

"Physics with Slow-/Trapped-RI Beams -- Methods, Current Researches, and Perspectives--"

0) Introduction to RIB physics using slow-/trapped-RI beams

1) Methods to produce slow RI beams based on of ISOL/IGISOL techniques

2) Manipulation of radioactive ions by trapping and optical pumping

3) Novel uses of Penning traps in nuclear structure physics/masses and decay spectroscopy

4) Optical spectroscopy on nuclear ground states for charge radii and moments / new developments

5) Precision measurements of beta and double-beta decay Q-values for weak interaction tests

6) Introduction to REX-ISOLDE concept and overview of (future) European projects



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 ☆ 講義前後の内容への質問・お問い合わせは
     セミナー委員会 連続講義事務局npsoc@ribf.riken.jp まで。