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1. Jan-1991 - Added documentation to command SET DEVICE on how to create separate plot and command windows for TEK-4010 and REGIS graphics. Added procedures: FREEZE.TOP and FREEZE22.TOP to TOPDRAWER_DIR: 2. 18-Jan-1991 - Fixed bug in module TXLINE that produced spurious lines by incorrect scissoring. 3. Added SET CYCLE, SHOW CYCLE commands and CYCLE option to CONTOUR. 4. 21-Jan-1991 - Fixed bug in PLOT,JOIN,HISTOGRAM commands. SLICES did not work properly when THREE was OFF. Revision level 3.6. Added options OFFSET,DATA,ABSOLUTE,VALUE,CURSOR to PLOT TABLE to move the table to more convenient locations. Add option VECTOR to PLOT command, to plot a vector field, where DX,DY,DZ is the length of the vector. 5. 29-Jan-1991 - Fixed security hole to conceal passwords when using files over DECnet. Fixed some minor bugs in ADD/SUBTRACT/MULTIPLY commands. Add option VECTOR to ADD/SUBTRACT/MULTIPLY commands to do operations on VECTOR fields. 6. 8-Feb-1991 - Added SET MODE CHECK,CONFIRM,TREE. These select whether checking, confirmation, or HBOOK tree searching are defaulted to ON. Added options POINTS,ROWS,LIMITED to ADD/SUB/MULT/DIV commands This allows compete selection of a subset of data to operate on. Added option CHECK to FFT command to allow turning off data checking. 7. 11-Feb-1991 - Fixed problem with short ticks being produced in SET SCALE when option LABEL=n preceded TICKS=m. Version 3.7 8. 28-Feb-1991 - Added options FILL,HIDE to most commands that draw something. This means you may fill and hide BOXES,CIRCLES, DIAMONDS, HISTOGRAMS, ARROWS. In addition the SET/SHOW FILL commands allow you to manipulate the fill patterns. Added the command SET/SHOW SHIELD to shield a section of a plot from further plotting. Added A GKS (DEC) for those devices not availble through UGS. Fixed a minor bug that switched line texture unexpectedly in UIS driver. 9. 4-Mar-1991 - Added SET/SHOW UNITS to allow you to reset both TEXT and character units. Fixed some problems with 3d histograms. Conditionalized the code means that the defaults are all in CM instead of INCHES. You may use these conditionals to build a completely metric verstion of TD. 10. 15-Mar-1991 - Version 4.0 Added options SELECT="name", NAME="name" to add names to data sets. SELECT selects data sets by name, while NAME sets the data set name. HBOOK histogram names are automatically propagated to the data set. Option TITLE added to JOIN, PLOT, HIST, CONTOUR to add title when data set is plotted. 11. 25-Mar-1991 - Added NONLINEAR option to FIT to use MINUIT to perform fits on nonlinear functions. Fixed problem in arbitrary linear fit functions. Version 4.0. 12. 2-May-1991 - Updated HBSEARCHID and T2SETH4 to be HBOOK V4.10 compatible. Added more units to SET UNITS. 13. 14-Jun-1991 - Add options WIDTH, HEIGHT to SET DEVICE. Made the default the new version of TOPDRAWER. Fixed some bugs with SET UNITS. 14. 28-Jun-1991 - Modified the X,Y,Z commands so that DX,DY or DZ are automatically recomputed when an expression is used. 15. 22-Jul-1991 - Fixed a bug in STORE HIST command. The wrong default RECL was used. Removed calls to obsolete HFNEXT routine. 16. 23-Aug-1991 - Added option MESH to FIT command for MESH fits. Added option APPEND to LIST command to append listing on old file. Fixed error handling for MINUIT fits. Now the errors are the same for linear and NONLINEAR fits. Added functiond DGAUSS and DPOLY to list of functions, as fits of Z vs X,Y. Fixed a bug in T2MESH that messed up histograms of mesh data with errors. GMINUT has been added to NTOPDRAWER. 17. Sept-1991 - Added option SAVE to CONTOUR to save the contour lines in data sets. Fixed an 2 outrageous bugs in T2SMOOTH and SMCTRL. One bug incorrectly treated the end points of a curve. The other would delete isolated data points that were adjacent to a flat region in the data. Added INTERPOLATE command to produce interpolated data sets using local fitting procedures. This uses the same procedures as the JOIN command. Added MONITOR option to BIN, FIT, FFT, CONVOLUTE, SMOOTH commands to plot before/after pictures. Added SET MODE MONITOR/APPEND to enable automatic MONITOR, APPEND. Fixed equations inside FIT command. Arbitrary equations would sometimes give incorrect results. It has been fixed. Version 4.31 18. Nov-1991 - Fixed fatal error in FIT that prevented producing a curve from set coefficients. Fixed some bugs in all commands that use the option CHECK. 19. Version 4.4 Added ORIENTATION=n to SET SIZE/DEVICE commands. 20. Apr-1992 Added option PORTRAIT/LANDSCAPE to set device. Also added device EPS. 21. July-1992 A. Fixed the BIN command to work properly with data when DY=0. B. Added options BREAK/SUPPRESS to SET BAR to suppress error bars around the symbol for a PLOT command. C. Added some fixes to SET DEVICE for DECGKS-3D to send the Xwindow output to the correct device. Added some FNAL fixes, and added output options to initial command line. $ TOPDRAWER [filename [device1 [device2 ...]]] D. Added new coordinates NDX,NDY,NDZ to PLOT/BAR/HIST assymetric error bars. These are NOT used in some computations involving errors. E. Fixed an error in TOKEN that prevented access to the data point lexicals when the data set number (3'rd index) was specified. F. Fixed an error that produced spaces when more than 195 points are joined. G. Reversed the default for ERROR option on the SWAP,SMOOTH command. Now the ERROR option should be default be on for all commands. By setting the REVISION to lower than 5.0 this should revert to the old behavior. H. Added the minus (-) sign as a continuation character at the end of a line. I. Added options SET AXES FRONT,BOTH,THREE To allow default plotting of 3-d axes in a "sensible" fashion. J. Added options SET GRID OUTLINE,Z To improve the 3-d grid capability. Version 5.0 22. Aug-1992 V5.1 - Fixed some bugs in the PLOT command. NOSYMBOL did not work POINTS FROM n TO m would not select the correct range of points.