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1. 15-Jan-1988 - Added expression parsing. This allows you to enter an arithmetic expression wherever a number is called for. The syntax is <expression>. See TOPDRAWER DATA EXPRESSION for more details. Added REPEAT and ENDREPEAT commands. The equals sign "=" may not be replaced by a comma "," or slash "/" where it is used in the documentation. It may be replaced by spaces. Plus, or minus "+-" signs are not allowed in options except as part of a number. 2. 4-Feb-1988 - Added angle lexicals (VIEW_...). Fixed some bugs in MESH plots. Added X="expression" command. Added CREATE MESH command to create mesh data sets. Modified PLOT VARIABLE for mesh data so the symbol size is automatically set to the maximum bin size. 3. Apr-1988 - Fixed LIMITED option for SHOW DATA command, and added LIMITED option to BIN command. Added FOR option to WAIT. Added PACKED option to SET ORDER. The SET ORDER and SET STORAGE commands no longer delete data. The SORT command has been added. 4. Jun-1988 - Fixed the error calculation on MEAN for show statistics. Fixed NEW RESET so that scales are also reset to the original default. 5. Aug-1988 - Added MESH,NORMAL options to BIN command. Added CHECK option to ADD,SUBTRACT,MULTIPLY,DIVIDE commands. Added SPLIT option to PROJECT command. Added ADD,SUBTRACT,MULTIPLY,DIVIDE options to DEFINE HISTOGRAM commnand. Fixed an infinite loop when a single point is histogrammed. 6. Nov-1988 - Added THETA,PHI,ANGLE specifications to SET SYMBOL, and SET GRID. Spiffed up the show formats. Added EXCL driver for native mode support of TALARIS-1590 and LN-03+ printers. 7. Dec-1988 - Fixed several bugs. Set window 3 of -4 did not work as the first window. Only 1 of 4 could be the first window. A call to t2MAIN with blank string after a call with non blank string would not prompt for input. SHOW WINDOW worked incorrectly for - windows. Calls to T2JOIN,T2HIST..., incorrectly reset permanent limits. 8. Dec-1988 - Added NTFIT,NPFIT lexicals, and extended TDPLT, T2JOIN,T2HIST for 3-d data. 9. 28-Dec-1988 - Added options AREA/SHARE/SAVE/READ/WRITE/INPUT/OUTPUT to SET/DEFINE/SHOW HISTOGRAM commands. Created a compatible version with HBOOK4.