18.21 TDJOIN

Joins points CALL TDJOIN(Npts,X,Y[,DX[,DY[,LEVEL[,MODE[,Z[,DZ]]]]]]) 1. Npts - Then number of points to plot 2. X(Npts) - The X for each datum to histogram 3. Y(Npts) - The Y for each datum 4. DX(Npts) - The Error in X 5. DY(Npts) - The Error in Y 6. LEVEL - The number of segments per/point 7. MODE - Texture,color,intensity, and Fit parameters are added together. If zero the default is taken or the SET value is used. Type of fit 0 1 2 Default Spline "GENERAL" The default is initially "GENERAL" Texture params Intensity*8 (Intensity=1 to 5) 1*64, 2*64, 3*64, 4*64, 5*64, 6*64, 7*64 64, 128, 192, 256, 320, 384, 448 DOTS, DASHES, DOTDASH, SOLID, FUNNY, PATTERNED, DAASHES WHITE RED GREEN BLUE YELLOW MAGENTA CYAN 1*512 2*512 3*512 4*512 5*512 6*512 7*512 8. Z(Npts) - The Z for each datum 9. DZ(Npts) - The Error in Z