18.15 TDARRO

This draws an arrow from XYZ(1:3,1) to XYZ(1:3,2) CALL TDARRO(XYZ,[DXYZ,[IMODE,[ITYPE]]]) 1. XYZ(3,2) is the array of XYZ to specify the arrow. XYZ(*,1) is the tail while XYZ(*,2) is the head. For 2-d plots the z value is ignored. 2. DXYZ(4) specifies the offsets and size. A. DXYZ(1) - The offset for the tail of arrow B. DXYZ(2) - The offset for the head of the arrow C. DXYZ(3) - Size of arrow if zero the default is used. D. DXYZ(4) - Flare of arrow if zero the default is used. 3. IMODE(2) - Specifies the frame. DATA=0, TEXT=1 IMODE(1) is for tail of arrow. 4. ITYPE - Specifies the Texture,color,intensity For more information see TOPDRAWER COMMAND ARROW. This is similar to giving the command. TD:ARROW FROM XYZ(1,1),XYZ(2,1),XYZ(3,1) LESS DXYZ(1) TO XYZ(1,2),XYZ(2,2),XYZ(3,2) LESS DXYZ(2) SIZE=DXYZ(3),DXYZ(4) Outputs extended titles with case formatting. This routine is not recommended. It is provided for compatability with older versions of TOPDRAWER. Use TDTEXT instead. CALL TDCASE('title','case'[,x,y]) CALL TDCASE('title','case','position') CALL TDCASE('title') See TDTITL for more information