NAMES - Value * INPUT_LEVEL - The number of input files opened by SET FILE INPUT. * CPUTIME - The current cpu time * CPULIMIT - The cpu time remaining * SETS - The number of data sets. * CURRENT_SET - The current data set (Set by option:SETS=) * XVALUE[np,nr,ns] - The X value for point n in set ns. * DXVALUE[np,nr,ns] - The error on X for point np row nr in set ns * NDX[np,nr,ns],NDY,NDZVALUE - Negative part of error bar. * YVALUE[np,nr,ns] * ZVALUE[np,nr,ns] * UVALUE[np,nr,ns] * VVALUE[np,nr,ns] * WVALUE[np,nr,ns] * DYVALUE[np,nr,ns] * DZVALUE[np,nr,ns] - (data for point n) * RVALUE[np,nr,ns],DRVALUE[np,nr,ns] - Radius in polar or spherical coordinates * THVALUE[np,nr,ns],DTHVALUE[np,nr,ns] - Theta in polar or spherical coordinates * PHIVALUE[np,nr,ns],DPHIVALUE[np,nr,ns] - Phi in Spherical coordinates * PLOTS - The number of plots produced. * WINDOWS - The maximum number of windows * CURRENT_WINDOW - The current window number * XWINDOWS - The maximum number of X windows * CURRENT_XWINDOW - The current X window number. * YWINDOWS - The maximum number of Y windows * CURRENT_YWINDOW - The current Y window number. * COLUMNS - Number of columns in a mesh. * CURRENT_COLUMN - Current column of a mesh (Set by option:POINT| COLUMN=) * ROWS - Number of rows in a mesh. * CURRENT_ROW - Current row in a mesh. (Set by option:LINE|ROW=) Calc by SET STATISTICS or SHOW DATA * POINTS - The points in your data set. * nMIN - The minimum value of n where n=X,Y, or Z. * nMAX - The maximum value of n where n=X,Y, or Z. * SUM - The sum over all points. * AVERAGE - The average over all points. * MEAN - The mean of the data. * STD - The standard deviation of the data from the average. * ESUM - The error on the sum. * EAVERAGE - The error on the average. * ESTD - The error in the STD. * EMEAN - The error in the mean. Calc by FIT command * TERMS - The maximum term fit or constrained. (0...20) * NPFIT - Then number of points fit * NTFIT - The number of terms fit. * CHISQR - The chi squared/point. * FTEST - The value of FTEST. * FIT[n] - 1 if coefficient n has been fit (n=0-19), 0 if not. * CONSTRAINED[n] - 1 if this coefficient has been picked or constrained. * COEFFICIENT[n] - Value of the coefficient of the fit. * ECOEFFICIENT[n] - Error on coefficient n. SET by SET HIST command * CURRENT_HISTOGRAM - The current histogram ID (See:Command SET HISTOGRAM) * HIST_NAME - Current hist name (S_ only) * HIST_ENTRIES - The number of entries in the hist * HIST_MEAN - The mean of the hist * HIST_STD - The hist standard deviation * HIST_SUM[n1,n2] - The sum over this histogram. n1 = 1,2,3 for X Under,sum,over n2 = 1,2,3 for Y Under,sum,over If n1 or n2 are omitted or are 0 then you get the sum of all 3. * XMARKER[n] - Array of 8 X markers * YMARKER[n] - Array of 8 Y markers * ZMARKER[n] - Array of 8 Z markers 3-d Parameters * VIEW_THETA - Viewing angle * VIEW_PHI - Viewing angle * VIEW_SEPARATION - Eye separation * VIEW_DISTANCE - Distance from observer to object * VIEW_SCRD - Distance from observer to screen Miscellaneous * REPEAT[n] - Repeat number for loop n.