15.78.3 ERROR

This specifies the error on the value you have specified. If you use NOERROR the error analysis is turned off. This only works when you are modifying X,Y,Z values. The specified error is used to modify the DX,DY,DZ value. example Y=Y * 5.0 Will multiply each Y and DY value by 5.0. Y=Y * 5.0 ERROR=0.1 Will multiply each Y and DY value by 5.0. The specified error of 0.1 Will be used to compute the actual DY value. Y=Y * 5.0 NOERROR Will multiply each Y value by 5.0. The DY values will remain unchanged. Y="LOG(YV)" NOERROR Will take the LOG to base 10 of each Y value. The DY values will remain unchanged. Y="LOG(YV)" Will take the LOG to base 10 of each Y value. The DY values will be modified as: DY=ABS(LOG(Y+DY)-LOG(Y)).