15.74 TYPE

TYPE [ERASE] [TOP] [BOTTOM] [BELL] [BOLD] [BLINK] [REVERSE] [UNDERLINE] [WIDE] [BACKGROUND|FOEGROUND [ [WHITE|RED|GREEN|BLUE|YELLOW| MAGENTA|CYAN]] [nn] ["string"] The string is typed on your terminal. This is useful for typing messages on the users terminal while plots are being produced from an input file. 1. ERASE - This erases the screen (ANSI terminal). This erases text from a VT-1xx/2xx compatible terminal. This does not erase TEKTRONIX graphics, but REGIS graphics will be erased. This must be precede the string. 2. TOP - The string is at the top of the screen (ANSI terminal). 3. BOTTOM - The string is at the bottom of the screen (ANSI terminal). 4. BELL - This rings the bell. 5. BOLD,BLINK,REVERSE,UNDERLINE,WIDE - Sets the video attributes of the line. These must be after the ERASE,TOP options and before the string. Several of these may be used together. These only work for a VT-100 or compatible ANSI terminal. 6. BACKGROUND|FOREGROUND control the color. (ANSI terminal) Once the color has been set it remains set until another type command sets new colors. 7. nn - This inserts a control character (0-255) into the string. nn and string may be repeated to generate control characters. See also: SET PROMPT.