
- TD:SHOW HIST BRIEF Lists just the IDs of all available histograms. TD:SHOW HIST ID=5 FULL Types all information about histogram ID number 5. TD:SHOW HIST FROM 10 SELECT='ENERGY' Types the names and ids of all histograms with ID above 9 which have names beginning with 'ENERGY'. TD:SHOW HIST SELECT='*ENERGY' Types on your screen the names of all histograms with names containing the word 'ENERGY'. TD:SHOW HIST SELECT='*PI*ENERGY' Types the names of all histograms containing 'PI...ENERGY' in the name. TD:SHOW HIST SELECT='*ENERGY' MESH Types on your screen the names of all 3-d histograms with names containing the word 'ENERGY'. TD:SHOW HIST SELECT='*ENERGY' MESH BRIEF Types on your screen the IDs of all 3-d histograms with names containing the word 'ENERGY'.