
- 1. AREA/DIRECTORY - Specifies the area to list. 2. ALL, or FULL - Shows everyhing about the histograms. 3. EXACT - Histogram names are treated as exact strings, and they are not searched in a case independent manner. This must precede the option NAME="...". 4. BRIEF - Shows only a list of the hist IDENTS. 5. CONTENTS - Shows a listing of the histogram contents. NTUPLES are shown according to the SET HISTOGRAM SELECT options. 6. STATISTICS - Shows the histogram statistics. 7. POINTS|COLUMNS - Selects the range of contents to show. 8. SEARCH - Prints information only if the specified histograms are found. 9. TREE - Looks through the specified directory tree. 10. OPTIONS - Shows the histogram options. 11. AREA - Shows a brief directory of the selected area. 12. CURRENT - Selects the current hist to show. 13. FROM, TO - Selects a range of histograms to show. 14. IDENT - The histogram number to show. 15. MESH - Chooses only MESH data or regular data. 16. NTUPLE - Selects only NTUPLE data. OFF selects both MESH and regular data. 17. NAME - Selects hist by name. 18. NLIMIT - Shows the limits on NTUPLE variables. 19. NMASK - Shows the hist masks on NTUPLE variables.