- DIRECTION=xv,yv,zv Direction vector from CENTER to eye. THETA=angle PHI=angle br;Alternate specification of DIRECTION in polar coordinates. This is probably an easier number to specify. You should specify either the DIRECTION or THETA and PHI. These are specified relative to the VERTICAL vector. PHI is the angle in degrees from vertical to line through the eye. PHI is the azimuthal angle of the viewers eye. (Default:60.0) WARNING The alogorithm used in Histogramming or Joining the data requires that the viewpoint can not be "over" the structure being plotted. The hidden line removal algorithm will not work for an improperly placed viewpoint. You should avoid PHI=0 or PHI=180. THETA is the angle between projections in the horizontal plane of the X-Axis and the line to the viewing position. THETA is the polar angle of the viewers eye. (Default:30.0) Example You wish to look at the plot from the +X axis: TD:SET THREE THETA=0 You wish to lood at the plot from the +Y axis: TD:SET THREE THETA=90