15.64.55 STORAGE

This defines what is kept in storage. SET ORDER automatically calls SET STORAGE if room for extra data is needed. This option remains the same until changed by a SET ORDER or SET STORAGE command. The VAX uses virtual memory, so the actual amount of storage is not not limited, but expands as needed. If you have a virtual memory allocation failure, you may prevent it by preallocating the needed memory with the SIZE option. If you still get memory allocation failures, ask your system manager to increase the available virtual memory. SET STORAGE [ALL] [[N][R|D]X|THETA] [[N][R|D]Y|RADIUS] [[N][R|D]Z|PHI] [[N][R|D]U] [[N][R|D]V] [[N][R|D]W] [SYMBOL] [SIZE=n] (Default:SYMBOL,X,Y,DX,DY) ALL selects all coordinates. If this command is used without any options, the storage is reset to the default. If all 3 coordinates X,Y,Z are included in storage, 3-d plots are turned on. If DX, the error on X, is selected then X is also selected. If NDX is selected then both DX and X are selected. Likewise DY,DZ,..DPHI automatically select Y....PHI. SYMBOL, X and Y are always included in the storage. All other variables must be declared. The NDX is the negative half of the error bar while DX is the positive half. If NDX is not in stoage then DX specifies both halves. Similarly NDY and NDZ are the negative halves of the Y,Z error bars. If THETA is specified polar coordinates are enabled permanently. If PHI is specified spherical coordinates are enabled. SIZE=n allows you to pick the number of words of storage to allocate for the VAX. This is not necessary, but it may save time since you may preallocate the storage and avoid multiple automatic storage expansion. Normally the amount of storage needed for regular data is about n*d+4 where n is the number of points and d is the number of coordinates available in storage (SYMBOL,X,DX,Y,DY,....). For mesh data it is ((n+1)*(m+1)+4)*d+4 where n and m are the mesh dimensions and d is 1 for regular mesh data or 2 for data with errors. If you have a name for the data set it takes up 1 storage location for every 4 characters. Example TD:SET STORAGE X Y SYMBOL To see the current storage use the command: SHOW STORAGE. TD:SET STORAGE SIZE=<4+101*201+20> Preallocates storage for a 100 by 200 mesh with an 80 character name.