- NAME='hist_name' Selects the histogram by name or title. The data in the histogram is loaded into the data buffer. The entire list of histograms is searched starting at the first one for a name matching the hist_name. If a histogram has more characters in its name than the hist_name, the extra characters are ignored. If the option NEXT, PREVIOUS, FIRST, or LAST is used, the search begins from the NEXT, PREVIOUS, FIRST, or LAST histogram. Percent '%' and star '*' are wild characters. '%' means any single character while '*' means any character string. For example NAME='*ENERGY' will select a histogram name containing the word ENERGY. However NAME='ENERGY' will select a histogram beginning with the word ENERGY. NAME='*PI*ENERGY' will find all histograms with the name containing the string 'PI' followed by the word ENERGY separated by any number of characters. The case of the hist_name is ignored. If more than 1 histogram match the selected name, a warning message is issued.